Because sometimes there is no right answer..........
Because sometimes the 135lb girl is really the biggest badass in the room.......
Because sometimes the animated squirrel is the smartest person in the room...
"If your life was a soundtrack; what songs would be on it?" I've asked a couple of my friends this question, but I finally sat down and thought about it myself, and I realized that my soundtrack belongs in a romantic Comedy or an indie flick.
And I started to realize that off -and- on my whole live I've been "that guy".. Don't get me wrong I've had my moments of brilliance, and alpha male dominace but at the heart I always tend to be "that guy."
You might be thinking.....What guy?
- the guy you call at 3.43 in the morning to talk to about your boyfriend
- the guy that you turn to for relationship advice, because you just don't understand what's going on.
- the guy who goes out with you because you really want to go to the new restaurant in town but, you don't want people to feel sorry for you because your single.
Don't get me wrong,... I own being "that guy" It just irks me when someone tries to guilt me out of pursuing my own happiness to fill that role and then bad- mouths me with everyone they know. So I now have random people coming up to me and telling me that I'm wrong.
Seriously can't a brotha take one night off to go of a date..
"Humans are greedy,,,,,,,therefore they are Human." --- unknown
Because sometimes the 135lb girl is really the biggest badass in the room.......
Because sometimes the animated squirrel is the smartest person in the room...
"If your life was a soundtrack; what songs would be on it?" I've asked a couple of my friends this question, but I finally sat down and thought about it myself, and I realized that my soundtrack belongs in a romantic Comedy or an indie flick.
And I started to realize that off -and- on my whole live I've been "that guy".. Don't get me wrong I've had my moments of brilliance, and alpha male dominace but at the heart I always tend to be "that guy."
You might be thinking.....What guy?
- the guy you call at 3.43 in the morning to talk to about your boyfriend
- the guy that you turn to for relationship advice, because you just don't understand what's going on.
- the guy who goes out with you because you really want to go to the new restaurant in town but, you don't want people to feel sorry for you because your single.
Don't get me wrong,... I own being "that guy" It just irks me when someone tries to guilt me out of pursuing my own happiness to fill that role and then bad- mouths me with everyone they know. So I now have random people coming up to me and telling me that I'm wrong.
Seriously can't a brotha take one night off to go of a date..

"Humans are greedy,,,,,,,therefore they are Human." --- unknown
And the way he described SG is such slanderous bullshit. That's what got me worked up more than anything else. If I were Misty, I'd have tracked him down and beat the total shit out of him cause it's not like he made her sound any better. fucking too.