So i've been playing least in sight for awhile now.
Mostly I've been watching entirely too much T.V. lately. Namely "Survior", "The Colony", and "Doomsday preppers." I dont' really consider myself a reality TV Junkie, but I'm hooked on these shows. I like these shows probably for the same reason that i love a good Zombie movie. I like to see what lies under the masks after people remove all their socially conscience posturing. When you push people pass their comfort zones, then you see what lies at their cores. You find out what really matters to them, and that's always interested me.
Well, besides that I've been working on my writing. Actually, Ive been studying how to write. I've never lacked for original ideas when it comes to Sci-fi or Fanasty, but i couldn't understand why the scenes that i wrote weren't turning out like the scenes that I imagined in my mind's eye. So, ive been doing some research dissecting the stories that I enjoy and examining what elements I love and what elements that i hate, so that i can use them in my own writing. " A bad writer can turn a good idea into a bad story,but a good writer can turn any idea into a good story."-- Jim Butcher
So basically I've decided to become a writer that's worthy of my ideas.
I've pretty much spent most of my free time looking for muses all over. thinking about who from my life i loved to be around and who i hated, and why i loved them or hated them. So in the future if you pick up a book and the character seems simalar to you then it just might be.
My love-life is well kinda in limbo right now, and Its probably for the best. That being said, I'll most likely end up complaining about it a month from now if nothing changes.
This made me smile when i watched this...
" Yeah what he said....."
I found this on-line. Personally I love this movie,and the vision it took to make it, I watch alot of Foreign films so I'm ok with the tradegic ending if its done well, but after watching this clip I have a whole new level of respect for the actressess in this movie.
What can i say? I'm a Sucker for a "Chick that kicks ass."
************ Edit**********
I usually don't throw in with most cover bands but I'm giving this one my full support. I like what they did with this song.
Mostly I've been watching entirely too much T.V. lately. Namely "Survior", "The Colony", and "Doomsday preppers." I dont' really consider myself a reality TV Junkie, but I'm hooked on these shows. I like these shows probably for the same reason that i love a good Zombie movie. I like to see what lies under the masks after people remove all their socially conscience posturing. When you push people pass their comfort zones, then you see what lies at their cores. You find out what really matters to them, and that's always interested me.
Well, besides that I've been working on my writing. Actually, Ive been studying how to write. I've never lacked for original ideas when it comes to Sci-fi or Fanasty, but i couldn't understand why the scenes that i wrote weren't turning out like the scenes that I imagined in my mind's eye. So, ive been doing some research dissecting the stories that I enjoy and examining what elements I love and what elements that i hate, so that i can use them in my own writing. " A bad writer can turn a good idea into a bad story,but a good writer can turn any idea into a good story."-- Jim Butcher
So basically I've decided to become a writer that's worthy of my ideas.
I've pretty much spent most of my free time looking for muses all over. thinking about who from my life i loved to be around and who i hated, and why i loved them or hated them. So in the future if you pick up a book and the character seems simalar to you then it just might be.
My love-life is well kinda in limbo right now, and Its probably for the best. That being said, I'll most likely end up complaining about it a month from now if nothing changes.
This made me smile when i watched this...
" Yeah what he said....."
I found this on-line. Personally I love this movie,and the vision it took to make it, I watch alot of Foreign films so I'm ok with the tradegic ending if its done well, but after watching this clip I have a whole new level of respect for the actressess in this movie.
What can i say? I'm a Sucker for a "Chick that kicks ass."
************ Edit**********
I usually don't throw in with most cover bands but I'm giving this one my full support. I like what they did with this song.
my back hasn't gotten back to the point where i need painkillers to get me through the day, so hopefully i managed to nip it in the bud and prevent that from happening again.