1. Well first off my sister's graduation when off without a hitch, despite that fact it rained alot in the area none of it fell on the graduation ceremony. I'll upload some pictures from the gradution later when I don't feel quite so lazy.
2. My first guitar lesson went fairly well. learned some chords, and discovered that I can still match notes by ear. I want to be up to speed by November. There is a certain party, at a certain place, with certain people I want to jam with..
3. I'm been running around like Tiger woods in a strip club, looking for a scanner so that I can send my union referral package in so that I can get more points for the upcoming interview. I'm probably going to have to head down to Charlestown.
When I used to Rp these kinds of things happend all the time:
I decided to put this one up because there are some people who need to see it.
Songs I'm listening to right now.....
final fanasty + Breakin Benjamins for the win.
Quote of the week

because I am also.....(and because Radeo is smokin hot.)
2. My first guitar lesson went fairly well. learned some chords, and discovered that I can still match notes by ear. I want to be up to speed by November. There is a certain party, at a certain place, with certain people I want to jam with..
3. I'm been running around like Tiger woods in a strip club, looking for a scanner so that I can send my union referral package in so that I can get more points for the upcoming interview. I'm probably going to have to head down to Charlestown.
When I used to Rp these kinds of things happend all the time:
I decided to put this one up because there are some people who need to see it.
Songs I'm listening to right now.....
final fanasty + Breakin Benjamins for the win.
Quote of the week

because I am also.....(and because Radeo is smokin hot.)
I loved Tim Robbins in High Fidelity!
I can't wait for you to see it