Account renewed! It's been SO long (like a decade) since I've been active on this site, I'm a bit lost. But excited to be back! I have so many questions, like I'm guessing the forums are now just integrated into groups? And I may well just be shouting in the wind, here, because I'm not even sure who is even still around. Last time I was active here we still had friends lists. I'm twilight zoning, and could definitely use a few new connections around here (no creepers, please. I'm not here to "hook up").
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if there are any SG's or members who are breast cancer survivors? Or sets from survivors who have had mastectomys? I'd love to connect with some of these people, and a set would make me so happy to see. Since I've been away, I have become a survivor, myself. And I'm honestly thinking of trying to submit a there a market for empowered, nipple-less sexy warrior women? Thanks! <3