If you ever see me on the 6'o clock news going on a murderous rampage through a New Jersey diner, don't say I didn't warn you. I'd really like to bludgeon a few of the people I've had the extreme displeasure to wait on the last few days to death with a tray. Seriously, there is absolutely no excuse for leaving your server less than enough tip to pay for her gas to get home. Does no one realize most waitresses make $1.25 per hour after taxes?!?!?
I'd almost forgotten how much this industry makes me depise people. I'm still better off doing this than nothing at all, and still grateful to just be employed at this point, but damn. I can fucking do better than this. Paying the bare minimum of my bills and dragging myself to an all but thankless crappy job every day is just not gonna cut it for very long with me. I aspire to be and do more with my damn life.
I know, all that is a "same shit, different day" rant for me, anymore. But constantly reminding myself it's time to grow the hell up, be and do better, may sooner or later stick. So I will continue to bitch at myself (and about my job) til I've gotten where I feel I need to be.
Ok, so I was dying for something different to listen to in my car so I dug through some old mixed CDs I made. Found an awesome Veruca Salt/Shins/Raincoats mix I'd burned forever ago. But there are these two or three tracks I threw on at the end who I have NO FUCKING IDEA what band it is. What sucks about that is they're beautiful tracks, I keep them on repeat, they're that good. So I thought maybe my computer would be able to read the track list for me, easy right? Not so, I removed about 80% of my downloaded music earlier this year to make much needed room in my memory. So, no go.
I'm at my wit's end trying to figure out even the titles of the tracks. I've exhausted pretty much every avenue - I've put possible titles in search engines, on every music site I know of, even on freaking youtube. I am now a woman on a mission, I think on my day off I'm going to jot down the lyrics and see if I can come up with anything. Damn me for being disorganized.
Also: using my downtime at work to read The Portable Rollins makes me feel better. Gotta love a cynical bastard.♥
That's it and that's all. Yeah no, I'm still not terribly exciting. Suck it.
I'd almost forgotten how much this industry makes me depise people. I'm still better off doing this than nothing at all, and still grateful to just be employed at this point, but damn. I can fucking do better than this. Paying the bare minimum of my bills and dragging myself to an all but thankless crappy job every day is just not gonna cut it for very long with me. I aspire to be and do more with my damn life.
I know, all that is a "same shit, different day" rant for me, anymore. But constantly reminding myself it's time to grow the hell up, be and do better, may sooner or later stick. So I will continue to bitch at myself (and about my job) til I've gotten where I feel I need to be.
Ok, so I was dying for something different to listen to in my car so I dug through some old mixed CDs I made. Found an awesome Veruca Salt/Shins/Raincoats mix I'd burned forever ago. But there are these two or three tracks I threw on at the end who I have NO FUCKING IDEA what band it is. What sucks about that is they're beautiful tracks, I keep them on repeat, they're that good. So I thought maybe my computer would be able to read the track list for me, easy right? Not so, I removed about 80% of my downloaded music earlier this year to make much needed room in my memory. So, no go.
I'm at my wit's end trying to figure out even the titles of the tracks. I've exhausted pretty much every avenue - I've put possible titles in search engines, on every music site I know of, even on freaking youtube. I am now a woman on a mission, I think on my day off I'm going to jot down the lyrics and see if I can come up with anything. Damn me for being disorganized.
Also: using my downtime at work to read The Portable Rollins makes me feel better. Gotta love a cynical bastard.♥
That's it and that's all. Yeah no, I'm still not terribly exciting. Suck it.

best profile pic ever.
That's probably it.