Did you know in the land of Canadia you can wash your dog & car at the very same time?
I like it here. They're fricken weird.
My only complaint is that the mosquitos are slowly eating me alive. I've never seen so many mini vampires in one place before. And they pick just the right spots to bite, too. Center of my scalp and left ass cheek. Awesome.
I'll have a proper udate within the next few days (filled with lovey dovey picture goodness) to mark the halfway point of our road trip adventures, I'm just too tired to think straight right now.

I like it here. They're fricken weird.

My only complaint is that the mosquitos are slowly eating me alive. I've never seen so many mini vampires in one place before. And they pick just the right spots to bite, too. Center of my scalp and left ass cheek. Awesome.
I'll have a proper udate within the next few days (filled with lovey dovey picture goodness) to mark the halfway point of our road trip adventures, I'm just too tired to think straight right now.
