So I'm still in my own personal limbo as far as everything short of my love life is concerned. I keep allowing the little lulls to become longer and longer. I make progress in so many ways, then I let the lazy Leo in me take over and become completely lacksidaisical. This has been the way my entire life, and I'm hoping I can one day soon learn to break this cycle. In other words, I get a great big Meh for effort the past few weeks.
I DID finally get myself to an eye doctor for an exam and ordered me two new pairs of specs. The glasses I'm currently wearing are an older prescription and busted up as all hell. They slide down my face constantly, they're crooked beyond repair, and the damn lenses pop out every time I go to clean them.
And my new glasses are cuuuute! I'll post pics as soon as they come in.
Also started myself up a lastfm account this week. The program I'd downloaded into my computer to heal the damage done by the trojans that attacked last weekend forced me to rid myself of 10 GBs of music, which was painful but necessary. But had I not done this, I would have never had the memory space to finally discover and properly use this awesome site. I'm having so many, "Oh shit! I forgot about that band!" moments it's unbelieveable.
Fantasy crushes of the week = Mike Patton & Jennifer Charles
This weekend should prove to be good times. I'm heading up North, tomorrow, to help the lovely Miss GetFighted celebrate her long anticipated 21st bday. Tequilla and PBR en masse will be had. It'll be more than worth the hangover, I'm expecting.
Eight is the magic number...
Today must be the day, eh?? Guess we won't be hearing from you two for a bit.
Just kidding, I think it's wonderful.
However, it was awesome.
How are you today
ily my acehole.