Not so great: I shattered one of my wisdom teeth on breakfast, this morning. Took me the better part of an hour to realize that overly crunchy bit of shredded wheat I chomped down on was crunchy for a reason.
Redemption: The little sister person bought me a copy of the new Portishead.

Pretty fucking great, actually. ♥
This will hopefully take my mind off the great gaping, jagged hole in the back of my mouth til the weekend is through. Come Monday, I'll be forking out more $$ I don't have to get the offending tooth yanked. Boourns.

Redemption: The little sister person bought me a copy of the new Portishead.

Pretty fucking great, actually. ♥
This will hopefully take my mind off the great gaping, jagged hole in the back of my mouth til the weekend is through. Come Monday, I'll be forking out more $$ I don't have to get the offending tooth yanked. Boourns.

