I just did some minor Spring cleaning of my friends list. If you got the boot, it was due to inactivity or just because we don't really speak. Nothing personal, I just feel the need to make room for fresh meat once in a while. Mmmmmm meat.
Nothing really new to report. Still thinking back wistfully to last weekend, still missing him, still unemployed. I'm thinking about going back into serving - I'm good at it, it's fast cash, and I have enough experience to get a job at a decent place. I'm just not cut out for corporate work, that cubicle made me claustrophobic as hell.
Most of you probably know the major monopoly of an American company I just resigned from. I'll leave their name out of this, but I have a whole new perspective of said company. They're cheats, they cost their customers hundreds of thousands of unnecessary dollars, and I now have nothing but distaste for them. I like how they held back my very first paycheck, telling me it was something I'd receive back at the end of my employment, and now when I give a call in to ask what the fuck happened to it, they give me the same shoddy run around they trained me to give their customers. Thanks for taking $700 of much needed money out of my pocket. Also: thanks for throwing away everything I left at my cubicle. These were MY fucking posessions, and while they may have seemed mere trinkets to you, many of those things held sentimental value. Especially my grandfathers' obituary, thanks for being heartless bastards and throwing that away, as well. You treat your employees the same way you treat your customers - outta sight, outta mind.
There are some pretty big changes in the works for me. I am (yet again) thinking of going back to school. I'm so tired of bouncing around from tiresome job to tiresome job and hating every minute of it. It only makes sense to try and master something I enjoy and make an attempt at a satisfying career. So yeah, as soon as I get my money and living arrangements straightened out, I'm going to give Esthetics another try.
I want to better myself and stop feeling so dependant upon everyone. I want to further my education and stop being so ashamed of my high school drop out status. I want to continue on this path of personal betterment - I had a slight hiccup in my diet & attempt to kick the butts but intend to get myself right back on track. Still doing a hell of alot better than I'd imagined not taking my meds.
But more than anything, right now, I want to be nearer to him, want those wonderful moments to be shared more often than at this time is possible. We're working on that, and this makes me outrageously happy. ♥
Oh, and yeah, sorry about crying wolf two times over with the vlog. It's a combination of laziness, a touch of teh shy, & an old computer with the smallest memory ever. One of these days....
Nothing really new to report. Still thinking back wistfully to last weekend, still missing him, still unemployed. I'm thinking about going back into serving - I'm good at it, it's fast cash, and I have enough experience to get a job at a decent place. I'm just not cut out for corporate work, that cubicle made me claustrophobic as hell.
Most of you probably know the major monopoly of an American company I just resigned from. I'll leave their name out of this, but I have a whole new perspective of said company. They're cheats, they cost their customers hundreds of thousands of unnecessary dollars, and I now have nothing but distaste for them. I like how they held back my very first paycheck, telling me it was something I'd receive back at the end of my employment, and now when I give a call in to ask what the fuck happened to it, they give me the same shoddy run around they trained me to give their customers. Thanks for taking $700 of much needed money out of my pocket. Also: thanks for throwing away everything I left at my cubicle. These were MY fucking posessions, and while they may have seemed mere trinkets to you, many of those things held sentimental value. Especially my grandfathers' obituary, thanks for being heartless bastards and throwing that away, as well. You treat your employees the same way you treat your customers - outta sight, outta mind.

There are some pretty big changes in the works for me. I am (yet again) thinking of going back to school. I'm so tired of bouncing around from tiresome job to tiresome job and hating every minute of it. It only makes sense to try and master something I enjoy and make an attempt at a satisfying career. So yeah, as soon as I get my money and living arrangements straightened out, I'm going to give Esthetics another try.
I want to better myself and stop feeling so dependant upon everyone. I want to further my education and stop being so ashamed of my high school drop out status. I want to continue on this path of personal betterment - I had a slight hiccup in my diet & attempt to kick the butts but intend to get myself right back on track. Still doing a hell of alot better than I'd imagined not taking my meds.
But more than anything, right now, I want to be nearer to him, want those wonderful moments to be shared more often than at this time is possible. We're working on that, and this makes me outrageously happy. ♥
Oh, and yeah, sorry about crying wolf two times over with the vlog. It's a combination of laziness, a touch of teh shy, & an old computer with the smallest memory ever. One of these days....
I adore you sugar, and I would NEVER cut you off the friends list.