I'm in a pretty derned good mood today. Woke up with a spring in my step & many reasons to be thankful. Namely - I love my friends. Be it those of you I'm just beginning to get to know, or those of you permanently etched into my heart, you all leave me warm & fuzzy and feeling beyond lucky to know you. ♥
This week was fun - I played hooky from work, endangered my current position (I am admittedly apathetic towards work in general - I've decided I will aspire to become a full time gypsy), got to meet yet another SG friend whose company I coveted, paid a visit to my favorite Philly bar, & drank myself into a stupor.
Also had the chance to spend a good deal of time with Greek boy, IMing and being generally goofy. I'm still beyond amazed at how our post-engaged relationship has bloomed. It's like all the hurt, all the struggle & deceit - it just vanished and we're that much happier with one another. We've become so much more comfortable expressing our feelings to one another. We give each other goddamned love advice, talk about our crushes and efforts to get laid. Craziness! I love it.
The afore mentioned company would be none other than the user formerly known as Rafi. The roomie & I had a shit ton of fun with him. We headed up to Eulogy, the best belgian beer bar in Philthydelphia. Showed him how us East Coasters have fun. I will remain forever impressed that this man can open a beer with his teeth and still remain eternally classy. Awesome is he.
And of course we obnoxiously took pics in the bar:

The highlight of my week, though, was news of an impending visitor towards the end of this month. Dear god the EXCITEMENT! My heart is exploding with joy.
Fuck the politics of this site. My life has been changed for the better by relationships I have developed with certain members and the massive amounts of growth I've experienced in knowing them. None of this "going anon" or crying wolf about leaving - not for me. As far as I'm concerned, I'm here to stay and damn well ecstatic about it.
Annnd I'm spent. ♥
This week was fun - I played hooky from work, endangered my current position (I am admittedly apathetic towards work in general - I've decided I will aspire to become a full time gypsy), got to meet yet another SG friend whose company I coveted, paid a visit to my favorite Philly bar, & drank myself into a stupor.
Also had the chance to spend a good deal of time with Greek boy, IMing and being generally goofy. I'm still beyond amazed at how our post-engaged relationship has bloomed. It's like all the hurt, all the struggle & deceit - it just vanished and we're that much happier with one another. We've become so much more comfortable expressing our feelings to one another. We give each other goddamned love advice, talk about our crushes and efforts to get laid. Craziness! I love it.
The afore mentioned company would be none other than the user formerly known as Rafi. The roomie & I had a shit ton of fun with him. We headed up to Eulogy, the best belgian beer bar in Philthydelphia. Showed him how us East Coasters have fun. I will remain forever impressed that this man can open a beer with his teeth and still remain eternally classy. Awesome is he.
And of course we obnoxiously took pics in the bar:

The highlight of my week, though, was news of an impending visitor towards the end of this month. Dear god the EXCITEMENT! My heart is exploding with joy.
Fuck the politics of this site. My life has been changed for the better by relationships I have developed with certain members and the massive amounts of growth I've experienced in knowing them. None of this "going anon" or crying wolf about leaving - not for me. As far as I'm concerned, I'm here to stay and damn well ecstatic about it.
Annnd I'm spent. ♥
You are cuter than a box of puppies with short hair! Which is not to say the inverse is true, by any stretch, but Hey Now!
