hello every one im sooooooo tired i just got home from work and i have to be back in a few hours joy so i figured i have nothing better to do so why not write some things here since i never do so first i am open to meeting anyone for casual conversations and things of that nature something to make the time go buy i guess if anybody cares to ask me anything ask away and i will give u a very honest answer um......what else okay i got it i am a movie nut so i wanna know what ur top 5 all time fav movies are i think u can tell alot about a person by this list here is mine 1. the crow i love anything that has to do with the character i have a nice tatto of the crow and my house is filled with so much crow shit its kinda creepy at least my girlfriend thinks so 2.fight club the book is one of my all time favoites and it is such a great movie 3.the big lebowskie this is one of the funniest movies i have ever seen and every time i see it again i laugh just a little bit more 4.salt lake city punk its kinda a indie flick but if u have never seen it go do so as soon as u can for added fun to shots of beer every time some one says the word punk u will be so fucked up and having a great time at the end of the move trust i have done but only with beer if u do it with something stonger u will be riskng death 5.last but not least is swingers another indie flick it stars vince vaughn before he became a bloated hollywood pig i have never realated to a character in a movie as much as i did with john favreau i went through a very similar experience with my ex i remember watching it with a friend and he swore that this could have been a movie that i could have created so thats it i wanna know what movies you people like give me your top 5 i have never really wrote anything online before so this is a first for me if i get responses from people i guess this will be something i do more often guess we will see oh yeah my computer sucks big monkey junk so for some reason i cant get a pic to upload in this stupid thing if u wanna see my silent bob looking mug jsut check out my screen name on aol its conker 11231 i have a bunh of em there i know its a hassle but come on what else do u really have to do anyway i guess thats it so lets see how this goes later fuckers