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I have the options for my Take Home Test.
Chose ONE question: 1000 words.
I'm particularly interested in Q7 "All theorists are travellers". Discuss.
This seems ... so ... broad. It's the first time I've heard the notion, and I'm supposed to sum up my entire semester about this tiny thought? Sounds like a good opportunity to create my an answer about ... whatever I want. I do love Arts, I really do.
Apart from that, I'm actually going to answer Question 1, 2, 5, or 10.
Probably 10 ... I can be more creative.
1) Paulo Friere (the South American author of The Pedagogy of the Oppressed) has argued that "studying is above all thinking about experience, and thinking about experience is the best way to think accurately." How would you relate this to the study of space, place and identity?
2) What are some of the ways we become attached to a place? Provide examples in which this can be clearly seen.
3) How does culture "declare its presence" (Carter, 1987), where space becomes place? You can use examples in your answer that illustrates this.
4) What do you consider to be the most critical factors when analysing the relationship between space and power? Explain why.
5) Spatial marginality connects cultural, political and economic disempowerment. Discuss.
6) Critique your text book Imagining Australian Space. Your critique should be like a book review for a cultural studies journal.
7) "All theorists are travellers". Discuss.
8) How is gender spatially expressed and managed? Provide examples.
9) How has Space Place and Travel acted as an ethical intervention in your everyday life? Discuss.
10) What sites of inquiry and research interests has Space Place and Travel opened to you? What theories would you apply to them?
11) Argue for the inclusion of a portion of a text, book section or journal article or film to be included in the resources for this unit? You might want to identify the topic and critically evaluate which reading it would replace or a reading it would support.
I have a headcold.
A) in Australia?
B) in Minneapolis?