I've decided to implement an upward microblogging system that means I don't have to keep making new blogs. I'm fucking with the 'My' function, I know. I'll post a new blog for your '/friends' section when I actually have something decent to say.
Thursday, 5 June, @ 4:05 AM 2008
Once a month I go Woo! with the fantastic news that I'm not pregnant.
*rolls around in pain, laughing, smiling, clutching womb*
4:00am *might* be pushing it.
Today has been lovely.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Wednesday, 4 June, @ 2:30 AM 2008
I was angry a minute ago. Self-hating; raging.
Then I saw you, shut my eyes and smiled.
I'm torn in my opinion now, is it better to exist within a harmonious balance between the ups and downs, not neutral, but floating, coasting, content? Or better to experience the euphoric highs, ecstatic, blissful moments of completeness ... as well as the horrible, deadening, sharp, deep blows and lows.
I used to want it all; everything. All of it. Then I grew tired of the ups and downs; I wanted neutrality. An axis, a stable point of balance built on the familiar and safe.
"What is life but agony and joy?" I wrote one day on the train from Town Hall, back home to Cronulla. Now I don't know what I want.
And for someone who passionately hates adjectives, I sure just used a few.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Tuesday, 3 June, @ 12:58 PM 2008
An entire generation of young people growing up naked on the internet, emotionally, mentally and physically. Perhaps our generation will progress, perhaps we will finally start learning about Others.
We're all the same, really. We all just want love, connection, interaction and to fend off the loneliness.
Most critical assessment:
3000 word Essay on whiteness due June 1. [Theories of Text and Culture]
Secondary critical assessment:
7-page Journal due Thursday, June 5th 11:59pm (with four weeks of catch up) [Space, Place and Travel]
Tertiary critical assessment:
15-page screenplay due Monday, June 9th (with five weeks of catch up) [Screenwriting]
Quaternary critical assessment:
2000-word Take Home Test due Friday, June 13th [Space, Place and Travel]
Quinternary critical assessment:
First draft of final News Story and critique due Friday, June 20th, first week of semester break [News Journalism]
Sexternary critical assessment:
Final submission of News Story and critique due Friday, June 27th, second week of semester break [News Journalism]
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Photography by Daeos
And ummm... how big a fool would he have to be? I've enjoyed my share of idiocy from time to time..