Friday night I went to Scotty's friend Ryan's house with Kasskore to watch two stunning ladies get spray tans (lucky me

Here are some snaps from the night, I look forward to more, soon, from the other two cameras.
I finally got to sleep at 6:50, and then the alarm went off at 7:00. And I was up and getting ready for Supanova.
Supanova was fantastic!
Nerd Fest '08, with a semina from Shinji (Neon Genisi: Evangelion character)'s voice actor, as well as Jewel Staite, 'Kaylee' from Firefly. I met Nekokoneko and undine_white, hung out with Dye, and a fair few other friends.
I figure pictures (with captions) speak louder than words:
After Supanona, it was one of my best and longest friend's birthday; Jannah turned 23. I was a little apprehensive about the event because a few of my high school friends that I'd lost touch with over the years were going to be there. Everything was alright though, we've all grown up a lot, it seems. Jannah decided that we were all going to LazerForce first, and then we were headed to an all night Korean restaurant.
Pre-Lazergame pics:
Unfortunately, though, we never made it to the restaurant.
At the end our first game, Kirsty fell over. I watched her fall and waited for her to get up again, but she didn't. I went over to ask her what was wrong, and she asked me to call an ambulance. 'My foots broken, look at it!' I did. Her foot had snapped out of place. It was jagged and mangled; the bones were dangling off to the side of where they should be. This woman is so close to my heart, that it almost made me to vomit to see her like that. I sucked it up though, and ran to get the manager, and an ambulance.
By the time I got back, Jannah and Kea had settled around her, making sure she was okay. I decided to wait outside to guide the paramedics to the right spot, when they arrived.
It took an hour and fifteen minutes for them to get to us. Though, I could see the hospital sign from where I was standing. We were five streets away. A massive football game at the Gabba, two blocks over, had just finished, and the causalities were high, apparently, so Kirsty had to wait.
Those two high school friends eventually joined me outside. They said that being out there was such a relief! They couldn't laugh inside! (The tragedy!) 'It's so good to be out here,' she said to me, 'ha, everyone's just so serious inside.... hahaha look at that man, let's ask for his phone number'
I'm glad I've left them behind.
So when the ambulance finally arrived, I guided them upstairs. Let's not forget, Kirsty was trapped on the second story of a building, and at the very top level of an intricate maze of walls and ramps. They had a hell of a time getting a stretcher out of that place.
I didn't get foot pictures, but someone did. And I'll collect them eventually.
So I finally got to sleep last night, after forty-one hours awake. I slept until 1pm today, and I have another assignment due tomorrow that's going to murder me.
I'm going to go a bit netsilent for a few days, while I try to focus on studying.
Talk to you later peeps