It's been a long week, in the best way.
Friday I watched Miami Ink for six hours, all the while getting very excited about my tattoo. Along with three generations of women in my family (my mother's side) I'll be going under the needle to pay tribute to the inspiring life of my great grand-mother.
This is the design that a few people are going with, I might join them, or I might get my step-dad to create a more modern version.
The kookaburra was her favourite animal, and this was one from her personal collection.
Saturday Tez and I attended the Island Time Reggae Festival on Stradbroke Island, where I spent the day following my photographic escort while she took happy snaps for Scene magazine. Other events included moseying around with a good friend of ours, Shane; having a whirly on some puffy firepois and a swing on a cushioned firestick.
Thank you Tez, for arranging these so nicely

Now I'm just waiting for pictures of Thursday - ScarlettJen's DVD launch ... again left *nudging* Lexiphanic!
And finally, I saw Linkin Park with Dah last night (Thank you Tez for giving up your ticket for me!) it was fucking awesome. I'd forgotten how much of an impact the band had on my life while I was growing up. I've undergone some pretty heavy changes in my life since then though, like I no longer favour the lead singer Chester, I'm more inclined these days towards the second vocalist, Mike.
Oh, how far I've come.
Friday I watched Miami Ink for six hours, all the while getting very excited about my tattoo. Along with three generations of women in my family (my mother's side) I'll be going under the needle to pay tribute to the inspiring life of my great grand-mother.
This is the design that a few people are going with, I might join them, or I might get my step-dad to create a more modern version.

The kookaburra was her favourite animal, and this was one from her personal collection.
Saturday Tez and I attended the Island Time Reggae Festival on Stradbroke Island, where I spent the day following my photographic escort while she took happy snaps for Scene magazine. Other events included moseying around with a good friend of ours, Shane; having a whirly on some puffy firepois and a swing on a cushioned firestick.
Thank you Tez, for arranging these so nicely

Now I'm just waiting for pictures of Thursday - ScarlettJen's DVD launch ... again left *nudging* Lexiphanic!
And finally, I saw Linkin Park with Dah last night (Thank you Tez for giving up your ticket for me!) it was fucking awesome. I'd forgotten how much of an impact the band had on my life while I was growing up. I've undergone some pretty heavy changes in my life since then though, like I no longer favour the lead singer Chester, I'm more inclined these days towards the second vocalist, Mike.
Oh, how far I've come.
Plus interest rates look like they're going to rise soon. So Howard = fail - he said they'd been lower than ever under his government. Looks like he was just lucky! SUCKA