Its really nice coming on here and actually having some friends to talk to.
thanks for the tips about girls. and just keep em coming
now that im going to be on the comp more i guess i should start putting my stacks of cds on itunes so i can get them on my ipod for running when it gets warmer.
i hate winter here so much, i have to stop running because of all the ice on sidewalks and roads. so i get outta shape, but at least when i start up in the spring i feel like im getting something done. it also does make me feel like i could actually ask a girl out and not have her turn me down based on looks.(i have some problems with self esteem when it comes to women. )
ooo i know a good question. What kind of stuff do you listen to when you workout or if you do?
My mom wants me to go work with her and my sister at a day care which i wouldnt mind working at a daycare cuz kids are alot of fun. but Id be working with my mom and sister which i dont think is that great. on the other hand my sisters friend who also works there came over one day and said there are all kinds of girls my age that work there. and one in particular all three of them say i would like alot.
seems a little to good to be true though. but it still makes me want to go bad.
heres another good question. what are some tips for going to either concerts or the live band at a club type thing? ive never been to either and i always want to go but it seems really intimidating. especially since id have to go by myself.
ok thats all for now. see everyone later.
thanks for the tips about girls. and just keep em coming
now that im going to be on the comp more i guess i should start putting my stacks of cds on itunes so i can get them on my ipod for running when it gets warmer.
i hate winter here so much, i have to stop running because of all the ice on sidewalks and roads. so i get outta shape, but at least when i start up in the spring i feel like im getting something done. it also does make me feel like i could actually ask a girl out and not have her turn me down based on looks.(i have some problems with self esteem when it comes to women. )
ooo i know a good question. What kind of stuff do you listen to when you workout or if you do?
My mom wants me to go work with her and my sister at a day care which i wouldnt mind working at a daycare cuz kids are alot of fun. but Id be working with my mom and sister which i dont think is that great. on the other hand my sisters friend who also works there came over one day and said there are all kinds of girls my age that work there. and one in particular all three of them say i would like alot.
seems a little to good to be true though. but it still makes me want to go bad.
heres another good question. what are some tips for going to either concerts or the live band at a club type thing? ive never been to either and i always want to go but it seems really intimidating. especially since id have to go by myself.
ok thats all for now. see everyone later.
daycare, good idea.
live gigs, dont wear loose trainers as it sucks to loose a shoe at a gig, trust me. dont wear pointy things coz it hurts ppl. if u take a bag put it in the locker room, make sure its got a bottle of something to drink for afterwards and a change of t-shirt. might be an idea to have a roll of T-P too, or take some disposable hankerchiefs with you.
you dont wanna see my guide to surviving festivals if that scares you