I say...
When good government prevails in a state, language may be lofty and bold, and actions the same. When bad government prevails, the actions may be lofty and bold, but the language may be with some reserve.
When good government prevails in a state, language may be lofty and bold, and actions the same. When bad government prevails, the actions may be lofty and bold, but the language may be with some reserve.
Yes yes I see
I say...
If a student is not eager, I won't teach him; if he is not struggling with the truth, I won't reveal it to him. If I lift up one corner and he can't come back with the other three, I won't do it again.
If a student is not eager, I won't teach him; if he is not struggling with the truth, I won't reveal it to him. If I lift up one corner and he can't come back with the other three, I won't do it again.
I say...
Yu, shall I teach you about knowledge? What you know, you know, what you don't know, you don't know. This is knowledge.
Yu, shall I teach you about knowledge? What you know, you know, what you don't know, you don't know. This is knowledge.
I say...
If you govern the people legalistically and control them by punishment, they will avoid crime, but have no personal sense of shame. If you govern them by means of virtue and control them with propriety, they will gain their own sense of shame, and thus correct themselves.
If you govern the people legalistically and control them by punishment, they will avoid crime, but have no personal sense of shame. If you govern them by means of virtue and control them with propriety, they will gain their own sense of shame, and thus correct themselves.
Hehehe. Funny journal entries

I say...
When the Superior Man eats he does not try to stuff himself; at rest he does not seek perfect comfort; he is diligent in his work and careful in speech. He avails himself to people of the Tao and thereby corrects himself. This is the kind of person of whom you can say, 'he loves learning.'
When the Superior Man eats he does not try to stuff himself; at rest he does not seek perfect comfort; he is diligent in his work and careful in speech. He avails himself to people of the Tao and thereby corrects himself. This is the kind of person of whom you can say, 'he loves learning.'
I say...
I am not bothered by the fact that I am unknown. I am bothered when I do not know others.
I am not bothered by the fact that I am unknown. I am bothered when I do not know others.
I say...
To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous.
To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous.
I say...
Luxury leads to laxity, frugality leads to firmness. It is better to be firm than to be lax.
Luxury leads to laxity, frugality leads to firmness. It is better to be firm than to be lax.
I say...
Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isn't it also great when friends visit from distant places? If people do not recognize me and it doesn't bother me, am I not a Superior Man?
Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isn't it also great when friends visit from distant places? If people do not recognize me and it doesn't bother me, am I not a Superior Man?