Fucking shit.
Well, that only took the best part of two entire evenings after work! But i've finally finished my bestofcontest entry! Best of Blades! Check it out and tell me what you think!
It could do with some polishing... a bit more of a climaxic [sic] ending... maybe it could be shuffled around a bit. But anyways... there it is. Enjoy.
It could do with some polishing... a bit more of a climaxic [sic] ending... maybe it could be shuffled around a bit. But anyways... there it is. Enjoy.
Samurai's Penance, and some.
I was playing Upwords with my father and his partner when a movie called Perfume came on TV. Now is it just me or was that one of the most absurd and irreverent movies you've ever seen? It somehow lackadaisically justifies the murdering of several women for the express purpose of fulfilling the ridiculous notion that a guy can make his mark on the world...
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Haiti... what a cluster fuck. If i were to donate to one organization, who would it be? Well, I did... and it was Medicins Sans Frontieres.
If you haven't yet already, or feel like donating again (perhaps more than $10, maybe $20... or $50... or whatever else you can afford) then please give this organization a look in. With their recent catchy media sound...
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If you haven't yet already, or feel like donating again (perhaps more than $10, maybe $20... or $50... or whatever else you can afford) then please give this organization a look in. With their recent catchy media sound...
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New pics are up... or should i say... SOME pics are up, at last. Strange system they have here... what i thought would be the album cover is at the end of the set... and they're in reverse order... and the newest added is the album cover. Ooookaaay.
The beard is gone... but no new pics post-Oct '09 are available. You're lucky even to have...
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The beard is gone... but no new pics post-Oct '09 are available. You're lucky even to have...
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Wow... it's really been that long? Fuck! What a headache xP
So... what's changed? Fuckin' nothing! The world's a fucking shit hole populated with mini shit holes all converging to create one giant black-hole of shit.
God i'm optimistic.
So... what's changed? Fuckin' nothing! The world's a fucking shit hole populated with mini shit holes all converging to create one giant black-hole of shit.

God i'm optimistic.
Ok, this is too much for me right now... I slept for 3 hrs yesterday, before working 12 hours in a bread factory, and when i got home i got majorly paranoid after a smoke with my housemates, who turned into housenemeses (is that the plural?), so i went out and bought junk food with money that isn't mine, because i'm broke, and washed it...
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Best to reply in their journal JJ. People rarely check back to another's.
sounds ... like a fun day... major paranoida = bad
i would advise you to stop smoking but meh who am i to talk?
sounds ... like a fun day... major paranoida = bad

i would advise you to stop smoking but meh who am i to talk?