"I have absolute faith in everything going on here; because blind obediance in what is so obviously a failed system is much easier to deal with than the soul-crushing despair accompanying the realization that you are totally, and without remorse, fucked."
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Tuesday Sep 19, 2006
"I have absolute faith in everything going on here; because blind obe… -
Wednesday Sep 13, 2006
It feels a bit ridiculous, but living in a situation where you suppos… -
Monday Jul 31, 2006
ConcreteLobotomy: My life is a cataclysmic orgy of terrible events sc… -
Monday Jul 31, 2006
Ah, let's hear it for mind numbing mediocracy! I have spent the entir… -
Saturday Jul 29, 2006
Sweet titty fucking Allah, I finally have the interweb again! I'm bac… -
Friday May 26, 2006
Ok, so I just got done watching Ichi The Killer and despite being one… -
Monday May 01, 2006
Goddamn I need more tattoos. Something I'll have to take care of when… -
Wednesday Apr 19, 2006
One month till I head out to West Point to train cadets or something.… -
Tuesday Apr 18, 2006
Read More -
Sunday Apr 16, 2006
Just rolled back into town from being hijacked into a Myrtle Beach tr…
I believe these moments are equally devided between the flotsom of 750mL of brand name Vodka and the burden of not being happy with the little life dramas that the majority gravitates to.
I'm pretty sure that was a really adjective laden way to say I talk too much when I'm drunk and angry.