I finally get in the mood to get some work done around the house, and the wife wants to go on a "date"...

Hopefully Sunday I'll be locked down in the garage most of the day to get the fab work done on my bike. Then disassembly, polish and paint...riding by spring. The man of a million projects might get somethign done. IfOnly I'd get...
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Been stuck in a rut lately. So much to do, so little time. Really, I have not been able to peel myself away from my Wii. I finally beat Super Mario Bros Wii, so I got that monkey off my back. I still play the hell out of Call of Duty, Modern Warfare Reflex, but I'm kinda worn on that. Finally I have gotten back...
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I finally built my lightbox, and to test it out I shot some...ahem, guns and ammunition. Check out my photos, I will be adding them to my flickr, some here on SG, and in the photographers group.
How about this, my first blog post since 2006. Recently people have been inquiring about the 9mm profile photo I use. It is a photo I shot. I had just gotten back from a 1000mi trip and had unloaded my magazine(clip) to store the gun. I thought the bullets looked cool laying there so I set them up and took the photo. It'n not meant...
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Not that I wish bad things upon people, but this asshole at work got fired today, and I am in the best mood ever. This is just some loud mouthed dude that talks out of his ass about things he [never] has done, and tried to cause more shit than anyone I've ever seen. It was like being in High School...He's a "hustler" anyways, so...
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so anyways...even though that's not the right place to place an ad...contact shotshot photography in zanesville, ohio. GREAT work. tell them i sent you. I'm erika.

Just wanted to post a few words about myself. I'm Ohio Brad from Concrete Video. I'm an aspiring filmmaker. I've made 7 or 8 DVDs now, and plan on making many more (some of which I hope will make money...)

I joined SG a few days ago after seeing the burlesque tour in Columbus. Great time! Looking to network with musicians, tattoo artists, hot rodders,...
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