ugh. . .lots of yoga this week, mon-thurs, my hamstrings still hurt. Anyway, got some fresh new AF1's yesterday, black on gray, fly as fuck. was gonna rock em out last night but fell asleep on the couch. I'm such a fuckin sneaker whore. I wonder is there is sneaker group on SG, there should be. Between sneakers, tattoos and yoga i'm gonna be even...
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Soooo.. . .yeah. Called out of work today, that's prolly not gonna go over well. Got served the divorce papers this weekend, that kinda sucked and now i need to start looking for an apt cuz we gotta sell the house. Big, loud smelly dog + little apt = well, I guess i don't really know, maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing....
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Thanks for the friend request smile
So it's funny, i left and came back and nothing in my life has changed. . . still no divorce papers, still in the house, still unsure about everything. . . .the only thing thats changed is my acceptance of the situation. . .. I'm good wit it now
hey there, how goes it? hope you're doing well. love ya! xoxo
love u too sweetie. . .chk ur vm
So shit has not really gotten any better, things with the marriage are going downhill fast, I'm not a bad guy and I don't understand what changed in her mind. It's fuckin ridiculous. Now I'm trying to figure out how to keep the house if this shit actually goes down. I gotta keep the dog and what apartment is gonna let me keep a 90...
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Shit is not working itself out. . .this fuckin sucks
hello my lovely future friend...kiss
Well. . .things are quite a bit fucked up, don't mean to complain, i just don't understand how communication can be so poor after five years of marriage. I'm gonna take a page outa Sunni's book and try to stay positive. . .I think this shit'll work itself out. It has to. . .right?