Have you ever felt such rage that you could scream the stars out of the sky? I will tell you from personal experience don't keep that stuff bottled up. Your blood pressure will rise so much blood will pour from your hair follicles.
miao!! that was hot.....so to serve you all i have to do is stay wet and be with girls huh.....welll that will be easy, you have a nice pick going for ya, and i think you just got some of that snow that is now here on us in CT. and a trucker well y ou are the hotest dayum trucker i have ever seen wink

ty for your comment hope to hear from you soon

YESSSSSS!!!! eeek . just got a phone call from the job that I want. INTERVIEW NEXT WEEK!!. biggrin
Just got back from a poker game. texas holdem. To the pot. $150. The showdown took forever. Not to mention I worked 14 hrs today. oh well. time for bed. have to get up in 3 hrs
My ex will not get off my back. How can you fight with someone so much and hear how much they don't need you only to have them slow down the advancement of your new single life by staying on your ass? Oh well. Back to work for good. And by for good I mean until I get the job I really want. I'm driving...
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Yeah that shit musta hurt man. I always seem to fuck myself up when I'm thinking bad things about other people. Must be karma. Fekk, ah well.
Captains log..day 2.
I got up a little early today there is allot to do. I have to go back to "her" place and get th only things I left behind. My damn lunch box and work boots. How could I forget my lunch box and work boots? mad I have not talked to Tonya in two weeks and I know see still thinks its not...
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Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I have been recently freed from a prison. I can now unfold my wings lean back and feel the sun on my face for the first time in 3 years. Its always been there. I just couldn't feel it. It was my fault it took so long. The door was right there. No longer...
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welcome biggrin Hope you werent in for anything to harsh wink
Starting over is scary, but exciting too. Best of luck to you.
I just ate a pizza role that tested like fish! puke what kind of nastyness has to be in a pizza role to make it tast like fish? If it were not for a metabolism that has been classified as a medical problem I may have stoped eating. And damn it all to hell who the my green earth spells their login m=name wrong? Me. mad Conclusion...
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