Humans are fucking sick and putrid creatures. That we would dirty our water suply. It turns out that MY self and my two cousins got sick from the lake at stony. Fucking vile pigs. I'm not sure if I'll ever go swimming in water thats not 1/2 clorine.
More Blogs
Wednesday Apr 27, 2005
Went to the playoffs game 1 and 2. row ten. GO ME!!. damn I've had… -
Monday Apr 25, 2005
Have you ever been in combat? Walked up behind a enemy? so close yo… -
Sunday Apr 24, 2005
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Saturday Apr 23, 2005
I need sleep. But I have to host a party down at the strip club so i… -
Wednesday Apr 20, 2005
this is for you. The one and only update geared to one person and o… -
Sunday Apr 17, 2005
Sic vis pacem para bellum -
Saturday Apr 16, 2005
update. all is not well. I have some anger that I have been suppres… -
Friday Apr 08, 2005
Have mercy on my dog. Ok so this is how is went down. jillkristen an… -
Wednesday Apr 06, 2005
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Tuesday Apr 05, 2005
I hunger.. If I don't eat every three hours(full meal) I get very...…
also, make sure you rsvp for the birthday party's at jd's key club on august 27th...come celebrate all of the virgo's birthday's with me...