my week end was quite funny. All other things aside this went down. Pre story info. From high school I gained 40 lbs of muscle and ditched the pimples. OK so my friend and I are at my aunts booby bar. My aunts As in she runs it not dances there. And a blast from the past walks up and give the age old line."hey don't I know you guys?" My reply"no". But you went to school with us. She retorts "smart ass!" Long story short a used to be oh so hot girl is now a few steps away from being washed up. But still cute. But she wont hear that from me. After she eagerly insists that I take her phone number she broke the touch barrier. then again and so on. First the arm. then shoulder. then fuzzy head. The the a sneak up out of no were kiss on the cheek. Then asks if she thinks my aunt will let her leave early and asks me to help. I say I can get you off. She then says I'm sure you can get me off. I then make myself more clear"Yes I'm sure I can get you off. Just not from work" My my the tables have turned.
infatuated??? huh?
yeah think about it. Would it really help if it were someone who was infatuated with you? Just look at all these posts. Every time you update your journal guys are adding comments telling you how hot you are and yada yada yada. Doesn't help much I think. Sure it makes you feel good. But if a guy that you were hart throbbing over looked at you and told you how great your work is. And that you could do anything you wanted. And all the other things you've been waiting for someone close to you to say that doesn't sound manufactured. You couldn't tell me that he would kill most of your insecurities.