Online dating services just suck. I mean come on, the women rule the game since all they have to do is put up a profile and sit back while all the dorks (including myself) try to convince them that they are the best guy.
BLAH BLAH fuck it. Its too much work to send an e-mail or flirt or wink or whatever to woman after woman and not get responses. I know...what a fucking loser!!! No my friends, what makes me a loser is that no one has contacted me, not one woman has sent me a hello since I joined three weeks THAT makes me a loser. is supposed to be nice the rest of the week so I will be able to ride my motorcycle to work and hopefully go for a long ride this weekend.
Hope my non-readers had a nice Thanksgiving.
BLAH BLAH fuck it. Its too much work to send an e-mail or flirt or wink or whatever to woman after woman and not get responses. I know...what a fucking loser!!! No my friends, what makes me a loser is that no one has contacted me, not one woman has sent me a hello since I joined three weeks THAT makes me a loser. is supposed to be nice the rest of the week so I will be able to ride my motorcycle to work and hopefully go for a long ride this weekend.
Hope my non-readers had a nice Thanksgiving.