worked with dayral hannah on this low budget feature i'm juicing on, the DP is a dick but the crew is cool, the gaffer bought me a bottle of jameson for my birthday last week it was cool. looking forward to july and august when superman and the posidan adventure come to long beach i should be able to pick up a few permit days., other then that i'm still ugly, poor and happy.
More Blogs
Thursday Jan 01, 2009
so, i fear all the strides and gains i have made this year in learnin… -
Sunday Dec 07, 2008
placed third in the 200lb/90kg wieght class in the us open pankration… -
Thursday May 15, 2008
this is the 2nd of four fights I had back in April, and was the on… -
Thursday May 08, 2008
Eloise Mary Grey Miller, born 4:45pm May 6 2008, 9.3 lbs and 20.75 i… -
Sunday Apr 13, 2008
one month till baby town, it's weird cause knowbody at work really kn… -
Friday Mar 21, 2008
SoCal pankration state tournie is in a couple weeks and it's time to … -
Tuesday Mar 04, 2008
prep on my show starts this thursday, shooting next tuesday. my pa… -
Monday Feb 18, 2008
fuck,i want the baby to be hear so i can get on with my life, i want … -
Friday Feb 15, 2008
so I hate san francisco, I hate valentines day, I hate taxes, I hate … -
Monday Feb 04, 2008
fuck,,, fuck,,, FUCK. i now it's sad to live vicariously through p…