I wish I could be more bohemian, and not feel this pressure this anxious pressure to always be working, which I still dont know if this line of work is good for me right now, I mean eight straight 55-65 hour weeks, over six grand in the bank and another grand on the way, I should feel set and confidant, go on unemployment and chill for two months but this pressure is already building and Ive only been out of work for three days. 4am Saturday morning crawl into bead after a 12 hour day on red line the movie, easy day, wake up go see v for vendetta (sucked man I just didnt buy into it) met amber and Christy @ the Whitehorse, then jumbos, then the apartment made out with amber then dropped her of at her car go back to the apartment get to third base with Christy. Sunday 10am say aw=awkward goodbyes with Christy, noon disc golf tee time, throw boogie golf. Monday stayed home drank a gallon of water watched law and order all day. Tuesday 11:45 am tee time disc golf, toss 36 holes boogie both rounds, I mean this is fun shit dude movies disc golf pussy law and order, still called every studio CBS, fox, Sony, universal, Wb, paramount, I know its the hiatus, and theirs no work but shit I need some fucking work man, Im going nuts, I got really sick, like vinous sick last Wednesday, so to get over it I drank a gallon of water every day on top of oj, super c naked smoothies and the like. Ive drunk 6 gallons of water since Wednesday on top of regular fluid consumption, normal people get sick, take time off, I get sick , hate time off, drinks six gallons of water, I should have been a grip so I could take swing gang calls at 4:30 in the morning. I need some work in the next day or Im going crazy, Im going crazy
ps: wear can I get really good tea / tea supplies in LA, Hollywood area
ps: wear can I get really good tea / tea supplies in LA, Hollywood area