i had a date on thursday. she is an amazing girl. she plays the cello, the drums, the bass, the piano and she still wants to learn more! she's been to europe too. Visited a lot of locations that I've been too in my youth (i lived in germany when i was a kid) so that was a great conversation piece.

today i had to...
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Your photographs are wonderful.
Change can definetly be good. I'm hoping so anyway.

Thank you, and I just added a few more pictures.
i have my own place of zen.

well i think that's the right term.

almost every week, around midnight or 1am i leave my place and talk a walk. i walk to the ottawa river. there i just sit on a rock and just... sit.

behind me the distant sound of cars. at the far left the city lights of gatineau are visible. to the...
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i live not far from the river. my favourite thing to do is play in it in the summer. i like when its frozen in the winter too. i just hate how long winter lasts here.
hahaha no not really. i speak more spanish than french which is kinda useless considering i live in ottawa and not california.

my friend's kitten follows me around his apartment. i think its b/c im the only female who is there regularly and i spoil the little furry bastard rotten.
today was an uneventfull day at school.

one of those days where you feel nothing is leading to anything worthwhile and important. i find this really odd since i strongly believe if you can't find joy in small things, then you probebly can't find joy in life.

i enjoy looking at the sky. taking a pause just to feel swallowed up in this big empty...
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You're amazing...

"i find this really odd since i strongly believe if you can't find joy in small things, then you probebly can't find joy in life."

Everyone always laughs at me...I constanly get distracted by things and I'm always touching stuff. I touch the bark on the trees and the grass and I love running my hands under water and seeing how it runs off in different patterns when I move them. I love the feeling of sand between my toes and paint all over my hands. Watching bugs walk...and people watching in general. Life is so beautiful and wonderful, but no one ever stops to notice.
well i'm sure a lot of people on SG are watching the American elections closely... but god damn.

things aren't going to good. Its still pretty close, but COME ON! BUSH?


in other news... my house is empty of beer. this is wrong. very very wrong.

tabarnak. j'ai besoin d'une cigarette!
Woohoo you made friends with Teresa...she's awesome!!
I didn't get the results yet but Bust fucking sucks. puke
today i had fun. went to a party with a couple of friends. i knew nobody at this party. it was basicly a friend knew someone and so-on. it was sad. no beautiful girls. there was one but of course she was a total bitch.

at first it was boring as hell and a lot of them were a bit young. so we decided to...
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It's so weird...but I never really know what to say after I read your journals....ever. I'm just like...well, ok...I could say it was good that you had fun, but you stated that you didn't really. So...I hope you have more fun next time. How about that?! biggrin
i've just added a few pictures in my portfolio section. took the four pictures with my "new" old camera, a Seagull TLR. its one of those old cameras you hold at your hips, with two lens and the photographer looks down into it. i love it.

i was under a lot of stress lately because of contracts, school and work. but its all settling down...
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I like the new stuff. The one with the arms crossing is my favorite. I know you've been super busy lately and I'm glad that your coming out of that phase. Didn't really seem like you were having that much fun.

New girl hey?? Details....details.....
Done with all the fuckin' around
You were so true to yourself
You were true to no one else
Well I should put you in the ground

I've got the time, I got the hours,
I got the days, I got the weeks
I could say to myself
I've got the words but I can't speak.
Well I was done with all the circlin' round...
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I have days like that all the time, when I just want to crawl into bed and hideout....I actually want to do that right now and I think I will.

I know you're super tired and you've been super busy but if you can find a spare little moment...smile for me. smile
Yeah they suck, but I figure since I have my first semester offical transcript and my report card that I'll still send in all my stuff with a letter stating that I'm in legal matters with them or something and see if they still let me in. I'm not applying to have credits transfered so...you never know right.
i have bad habits and bad grammar.

I'm dropping bad habits such as sugary and fast foods. re-visited the wonderful world of tofu and stir-fry this past month. good old days from dating a vegetarian. that girl showed me so many great things. i almost became a yuppie myself until i remembered how much i love chicken. but I'm still thinking of kicking the red...
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You need to write more journal entries so I don't have to keep posting under this one *giggles

There is awesome graffiti in Ottawa, Ty...(the boy) is Asypre...so he took me to all these little hide outs and cracks in the walls where him and his crew paint. I got to meet most of them they are some really cool guys. That's actually how I met Ty I think he emailed me years ago about some of my stuff I had on a site. I think he's amazing but I think he's amazing for a lot of reasons. smile
PS- I would love to see more of your work sometime smile
other than working an 11 hour shift, i had a damn good day today.

after work my friends went to the usua locall friday night pub. there i met a bunch of people i didn't expect. lots of old people from high school. that was cool... even thought some of them were pure evil bitches back then. most of them changed for the good.

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Those pics are AMAZING....I love the first one, where he's looking down omg!! eeek smile

You defidently have talent I'd love to see more of your work sometime, if you'll let me.

Glad you had a great time on friday night smile
thanks again! biggrin

wow... looking back on my post i realise i must of been very tired. so many spelling mistakes. mad

i'm back from watching TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE.

jesus titty fucking christ its funny. i laughed so hard throughout the movie i started crying.



(you really need to go see the movie)

in other news. I dusted my old Rage Against The Machine CDs. wow.. haven't listen to them in over 4 years. Seems to far ago. and man they are...
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this is my first journal update in SG. i hope its just one of many.
i've also just added a few pictures. i'll be adding more in the coming weeks. also, i'm looking for some people to model in the ottawa region.
if you're interrested feel free to contact me!

Hi, welcome to SG's! I love your photography. I'd love to model for you but my husband won't let me. You seem really interesting. Come by and say Hi sometime. smile