When all the world was very young
And mountain magic heavy hung
The supermen would walk in file
Guardians of a loveless isle
And gloomy browed with superfear their tragic endless lives
Could heave nor sigh
In solemn, perverse serenity,wondrous chained to life.
Strange games they would play then
No death for the perfect men
Life rolls into one of them
So softly a supergod cries
Where all were minds in uni-thought
Power weird by mystics taught
No pain, no joy, no power too great
Colossal strength to grasp a fate
Where sad-eyed mermen tossed in slumber
Nightmare dreams no mortal mind could hold
Man would tear his brothers flesh,a chance to die,
To turn to mold.
Far out in the red-sky
Far out from the sad eyes
Strange,mad celebration
So softly a supergod cries
So softly a supergod dies
That's David Bowie, I can't write like his godly hands... That song's called The Supermen.
Anyways I'm farkin' bored. I've been staring at the world map above my monitor and I want to go to Australia... or Ireland... or Barcelona. Basically anywhere.
Is there anybody who is a flight attendant for a major airline? I was thinking about going to the International Air Academy, but the 5-month flight attendant program costs $6,500 and we just don't have that kind of money... I guess I should do the Fasfa/Fafsa whichever it is. They don't even know which they are.
But I wanted to know how easy it is to get a job without going through the program. Also the school is in Vancouver... which isn't THAT far, but it'd be a pain in the ass to ride the bus there every day. Anyways, if anyone knows anything at all, please comment okay? Thanks.
And mountain magic heavy hung
The supermen would walk in file
Guardians of a loveless isle
And gloomy browed with superfear their tragic endless lives
Could heave nor sigh
In solemn, perverse serenity,wondrous chained to life.
Strange games they would play then
No death for the perfect men
Life rolls into one of them
So softly a supergod cries
Where all were minds in uni-thought
Power weird by mystics taught
No pain, no joy, no power too great
Colossal strength to grasp a fate
Where sad-eyed mermen tossed in slumber
Nightmare dreams no mortal mind could hold
Man would tear his brothers flesh,a chance to die,
To turn to mold.
Far out in the red-sky
Far out from the sad eyes
Strange,mad celebration
So softly a supergod cries
So softly a supergod dies
That's David Bowie, I can't write like his godly hands... That song's called The Supermen.
Anyways I'm farkin' bored. I've been staring at the world map above my monitor and I want to go to Australia... or Ireland... or Barcelona. Basically anywhere.
Is there anybody who is a flight attendant for a major airline? I was thinking about going to the International Air Academy, but the 5-month flight attendant program costs $6,500 and we just don't have that kind of money... I guess I should do the Fasfa/Fafsa whichever it is. They don't even know which they are.
But I wanted to know how easy it is to get a job without going through the program. Also the school is in Vancouver... which isn't THAT far, but it'd be a pain in the ass to ride the bus there every day. Anyways, if anyone knows anything at all, please comment okay? Thanks.