Well I don't know about this new look on SG. I think it looks cool. but it'skind of hard to figure out where things are now and it freezes my computer for about a minute every time I go to a new page, including the home page. Their home page, not mine. But mine, too. I have a slow computer with a 56k modem... Dammit I need a job.
Anyways I got up early today to get my booster shot like I was supposed to have done years and years ago. Then I went home and wen back to bed until just about 10 minutes ago. I haven't showered since Friday either. What's wrong with me?
Well I'm working on the script to my book. I have to be honest. I'd kind of rather see it as a movie or game or something than just a novel. Because, in my oppinion, it's a really cool story but my writing isn't good enough to write entire novels, you know? That's hard business. I've already finished a first draft but... I dunno. I'm working on the second right now, too, and man it's tough. So time consuming. Sometimes it's fun but it's hard to get a moment alone to write. Seems like I'm alone all day until the minute I sit down to write. Then every five seconds the phone rings, or someone comes in and starts telling me dumb jokes while I'm sitting here already frustrated trying to think of a certain word I've used a hundred times. Ugh.
Oh yeah I watched the SG Icons thing and that Rubyana chick lives in the same house as a friend of ours. That's funny. Unless Kacie moved.. I guess she might have moved. I dunno. I should ask Rubyana if she knows her. Okay well I'm so tired and groggy. Peace out.
Anyways I got up early today to get my booster shot like I was supposed to have done years and years ago. Then I went home and wen back to bed until just about 10 minutes ago. I haven't showered since Friday either. What's wrong with me?
Well I'm working on the script to my book. I have to be honest. I'd kind of rather see it as a movie or game or something than just a novel. Because, in my oppinion, it's a really cool story but my writing isn't good enough to write entire novels, you know? That's hard business. I've already finished a first draft but... I dunno. I'm working on the second right now, too, and man it's tough. So time consuming. Sometimes it's fun but it's hard to get a moment alone to write. Seems like I'm alone all day until the minute I sit down to write. Then every five seconds the phone rings, or someone comes in and starts telling me dumb jokes while I'm sitting here already frustrated trying to think of a certain word I've used a hundred times. Ugh.
Oh yeah I watched the SG Icons thing and that Rubyana chick lives in the same house as a friend of ours. That's funny. Unless Kacie moved.. I guess she might have moved. I dunno. I should ask Rubyana if she knows her. Okay well I'm so tired and groggy. Peace out.