Today was the worst good day ever. Lots of stress, up early job hunting in this horrible muggy heat. Found out the program at school I was trying to get into was full. On top of that, and as much as it is satisfying to be right for a change, I also found out for certain that I have only recieved one shot my entire life. Never had the second MMR shot. Actually I'm not sure about that. My medical card says the first one was in '87 but I remember being at least 4 when I had a booster shot. Maybe we're wrong and they just don't have it recorded. But it's not on my medical card, and they looked for a pretty long time at the doctor's office and couldn't find shit. Oh well. Appt. next monday. Oregon Healthy Dept. God help me...
In happy news, I applied to 7 different places and quite a few of them sounded actually very excited to hire me. It was kind of strange. I'm sure it was because today I made an effort to smile. My face hurts, what else can I say? I also made the cutest power point presentation all about Corgis today hehe. It's really sweet. Doggies hehe.
I miss my Booga and I think right now I am going to try to get some rest. I ache and I feel nausiated. Good bye cruel world... until tomorrow anyway. When I have to, once again, drag my fat carcass out of bed and go... dun dun dunn... job hunting a second time.
In happy news, I applied to 7 different places and quite a few of them sounded actually very excited to hire me. It was kind of strange. I'm sure it was because today I made an effort to smile. My face hurts, what else can I say? I also made the cutest power point presentation all about Corgis today hehe. It's really sweet. Doggies hehe.
I miss my Booga and I think right now I am going to try to get some rest. I ache and I feel nausiated. Good bye cruel world... until tomorrow anyway. When I have to, once again, drag my fat carcass out of bed and go... dun dun dunn... job hunting a second time.