Haha... I'm back. It turns out, I've scored a job without even looking. Jealous? Well, don't be. It's only about 6-8 hours a week, minimum wage, janitorial-type shit. In an Alzeimer's retirement home. Oh well, it's a job and supposedly the few hours are only a trial period or something, and if I do well and get along with everyone else, they'll bump my hours up or add a new position to the workload.
The thing that gets me nervous is, well, it's on weekends, and Gabe was just going to request weekends off today when he went to work. So if I start working weekends, and he's working all week, that's going to suck. He'll have to come out here to see me (we live about an hour drive apart, about 2 1/2 hours bus/train ride). Anyway, he doesn't like my town much, and I can't blame him. Besides, how can we party in this shit hole? Oh well it's still a job. Even though after taxes I'll only be making about $100 a month. Woop...eee. Oh well. It could be a grea topportunity and supposedly the retirement home across the street from this one might also want to hire me. That would be funny.
Anyways, I rented Cry Baby again. I don't know why but every time I rent it again I forget how awful it is. I mean the beginning is cute, but pretty much all the dialogue Johnny Depp does in that movie is rediculous and annoying. I love the gang though, especially Wanda and Hatchetface. In fact my friends consider me the Hatchetface of our little gang. It's cool I guess. There ain't nothin' wrong with my face!