fuck my stomach hurts. thanks sophronia for noticing i was gone. haha. goddammit... it's happening. I hate debating, as you all must know by now, but i got into a debate (unwillingly) with one of my best friends just about half an hour ago. it pissed me off, it's like he was accusing me of being some nazi oppressor. he ought to know me better than that, so it made me really mad. i hate when people take the nice things and twist them. i've noticed mostly really liberal people do it. I told him it's bold ideas that change the world. He immediately thinks of things like whites invading north america, the introduction of slavery, shit like that. wtf? i'm talking about peace offerings, and he wants to think i'm talking about going to war. i hate people that do that. quit being so fucking cinical all the time.
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