Yay I made it through the party. Everyone was so disappointed cause Gabe's parents kept pouring more and more juice into our jungle juice. I mean, I drank 5 cups of it and ate a shitload of the fruit, and only got sick, not even buzzed. 2 shots wouldn't gotten me more fucked up than five glasses of our jungle juice. It sucked! Ugh we had like over 10 gallons, and it cost over $150 to make it! Gabe's parents can't afford things like that, especially when they don't turn out the way they're supposed to. And nobody except Gabe (who added tequilla to his) got drunk. Then I stole the last of someone's rum and chugged it, and got drunk, It was fun until half an hour later when everyone left and I wanted to go to bed. Gabe kept me awake by being really annoying. Then he brought the kitty inside and put her on the bed next to me, but I couldn't even roll over to pet her at that point. She ended up sleeping under Gabe's chair.
I wish I could rollerskate better. I think it would be so cool to be a derby girl. I even have a name picked out, and it's NOT on the roster (I just checked it 10 minutes ago). I'm not saying what it is, but it's a good'n. Hint: it's the gang name of a character in a really cheesy 50's movie. Actually I've got two good names, but I like one better than the other. HAH okay whatever. As if I'll ever be a rollergirl.
Oh well. I want to start going to Oaks Park again on Wednesdays, but after the whole thing with Nikki... well we don't go anymore. We went twice but Gabe doesn't like it unless a bunch of people go with us. I think that's dumb but whatever. I think maybe I'll just go see some derbys. That'll be exciting.

I wish I could rollerskate better. I think it would be so cool to be a derby girl. I even have a name picked out, and it's NOT on the roster (I just checked it 10 minutes ago). I'm not saying what it is, but it's a good'n. Hint: it's the gang name of a character in a really cheesy 50's movie. Actually I've got two good names, but I like one better than the other. HAH okay whatever. As if I'll ever be a rollergirl.