Life sucks right now. I'm all kinds of stressed out. I can't stand my dad for some reason. I yelled at the top of my lungs at the fucking sewing machine today... I'm just over the edge and people keep pushing me. It really upsets me how many horrible people are on this website. I liked the site so much more when there were only about 300 suicidegirls. I don't mean I'm into the "underground" thing, I just never got bitched out back then. I'm so tired of political correctness. I'm tired of everyone saying they're open-minded while they try to sensor me for my oppinion. I swear I'm about to leave the site. If I were am actual suicidegirl, I'd probably quit right now. But still, there are a lot of very nice girls, and I suppose they make up for the jerks.

onto your actual post, i actually ended up liking this site more for the communities/groups. i love reading, and there are so many good tips and opnions in them on things i am interested in.
i tend to ignore any drama bullshit, as it's not my style. the cute girls are just an added plus.