Okay I know this might sound retarded but I am so tired of flare jeans and it seems like if I find some peg legs they are like fucking Mom Jeans witht he 9" zipper and the whole nine yards. I would like some help if anybody could send me a website or some instructions on pegging jeans. It doesn't have to look nice or anything, it just has to stay together and not fall apart. I'd really appreciate it.
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 19, 2004
howdy everyone. i ate too much rice and i'm really full. it sucks. an… -
Thursday Oct 14, 2004
....sorry I know I'm not cute… -
Tuesday Oct 12, 2004
I am so tired of vegetarians. well, no, not vegetarians. but vegetari… -
Tuesday Oct 05, 2004
well i hope everyone is doing well. i'm doing okay... discovered a ne… -
Thursday Sep 30, 2004
hola amigas! dude my tummy still hurts, but not as bad. i don't have … -
Wednesday Sep 29, 2004
today is all cloudy and stuff. it's been really nice up til now. oh w… -
Sunday Sep 26, 2004
Dream Jobs: (in no particular order) 1. secretary at a tattoo/pier… -
Thursday Sep 23, 2004
I had a dream last night about my first tattoo. it didn't hurt at all… -
Wednesday Sep 22, 2004
That last entry was embarassing! anyways, i'm back with gabe now. i d… -
Monday Sep 13, 2004
i'm so lonely. anyone desperate? i'm sweet, squishy, dangerous, tough…