I'm in Eugene, Oregon. If you've ever been there, then you know what it's all about. I think the town is decent, but this vegan co-op I'm staying in is the worst. Two years ago I was really into all that hippie vegan environmentally friendly shit. Not the case anymore. These people who consider themselves open-minded are as close-minded as the people they bitch about. Yes they accept homo-sexuality and care about the environment. But they don't accept any otherpoint of view. It's not open-minded, it's another state of mind. Anyways that's my take on the whole thing. These people are freaks though. I can't wait to leave. PS: co-ed public bathroom with no door. Hippies won't flush the toilets, so they clog and smell like curry-poop.
Okay I'm done bitching for now except to say: my feet and back hurt like a motha.
PSS: I went to Walmart and Ross and got a new coat, skirt, tights and a coin purse with cherries on. Amy didn't want her co-op chums to see our Walmart bags because they hate Walmart, saying the won't hire seniors. Which is horse-shit, cause they hire more old people than most places. Apparently they don't like the fact that they won't hire them for "strenuous labor jobs." HELLO! Would you want to hire a 70-year old man who will break a hip or back while working for you? Yeah lawsuites are fucking awesome. It's discrimination! Bullshit... I swear these hippies don't use their brains at all.
Okay I'm done bitching for now except to say: my feet and back hurt like a motha.
PSS: I went to Walmart and Ross and got a new coat, skirt, tights and a coin purse with cherries on. Amy didn't want her co-op chums to see our Walmart bags because they hate Walmart, saying the won't hire seniors. Which is horse-shit, cause they hire more old people than most places. Apparently they don't like the fact that they won't hire them for "strenuous labor jobs." HELLO! Would you want to hire a 70-year old man who will break a hip or back while working for you? Yeah lawsuites are fucking awesome. It's discrimination! Bullshit... I swear these hippies don't use their brains at all.