Okay it's been a veerrryy long time since I've blogged. I never go on SG anymore... Everyone on here is so fucking self-righteous... Mostly I just bought the memebership because my boyfriend likes to look at the pictures.
I'm two terms away from graduating college. I have a month off for winter break and it's about fucking time because I haven't had more than a...
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I'm two terms away from graduating college. I have a month off for winter break and it's about fucking time because I haven't had more than a...
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School is going surprisingly well. That is, I haven't missed a class or failed to compete or turn in any homework or other assignments on time (yet).
I am very excited to say I found a school building in Oregon (Beavercreek) for sale. It only has 7 classrooms, and it's a little too far out to be of TOO much interest to me. Nevermind the...
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I am very excited to say I found a school building in Oregon (Beavercreek) for sale. It only has 7 classrooms, and it's a little too far out to be of TOO much interest to me. Nevermind the...
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those are some mighty fine shoes in that picture!
Well I haven't posted a blog in ages, so I guess I might as well post one that's important. My best friend died on October 10th this year. His name is Eric. This is a picture of him with my sister, Kelly. He was 20 years old. Some woman pulled out in front of him while he was riding his motorcycle, and stopped. He tried...
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This is an add I wrote today for Judge Judy (and her comrades in tv-law)
Do you have a trivial dispute you're willing to let destroy a close friendship or marriage?
If so, hurry and call Judge Judy today!
"We pay cash to air your trash!"
Do you have a trivial dispute you're willing to let destroy a close friendship or marriage?
If so, hurry and call Judge Judy today!
"We pay cash to air your trash!"
thanks for liking my set oxox

hahaha, great!
Hallo! I'm back... tonight. My parents just got home from two weeks in Hawaii... their oppinion of the trip? "It was alright." Fuck man I'll go next time - I guarantee I'll have a blast. Oh well. They got me a rad tiki statue and some wraps that are B-E-autiful.
So... you should watch the movie Kamikaze Girls. It's way cute, I watch it all...
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So... you should watch the movie Kamikaze Girls. It's way cute, I watch it all...
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I haven't been on for many moons because it freezes my computer. I haven't got much to say except that I'm tired of living and I refuse to feel this way forever. Something has to change... Life has to begin...
Ouch! Yeah I know the feeling. It comes and goes.
Oh yeah, love the shoes by the way.
Well I don't know about this new look on SG. I think it looks cool. but it'skind of hard to figure out where things are now and it freezes my computer for about a minute every time I go to a new page, including the home page. Their home page, not mine. But mine, too. I have a slow computer with a 56k modem... Dammit...
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Today was the worst good day ever. Lots of stress, up early job hunting in this horrible muggy heat. Found out the program at school I was trying to get into was full. On top of that, and as much as it is satisfying to be right for a change, I also found out for certain that I have only recieved one shot my entire...
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I'm addicted to tea all of the sudden. I mean, I've always been addicted to chai tea, especially the soy chai latte from Starbucks (sue me douchebags) (I'd also like to note I'm not a vegan, I just like vanilla Silk).
But tonight I've had like an entire pot of Orange Pekoe and I'm loving it. Maybe I should just drink tea instead of eat....
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But tonight I've had like an entire pot of Orange Pekoe and I'm loving it. Maybe I should just drink tea instead of eat....
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i love ROLLERSKATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love licorice tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what does your hair look like?
I love licorice tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what does your hair look like?
hah... I asked because of your previous journal entry where you were trying to figure out your next hairdo.
wondered if you had decided on one yet...
wondered if you had decided on one yet...