I had a really good question last night, now i've forgotten it, pants! eeeerrrr..... oh yeah it was from an idea i had for a lyric,..... but thinking about it i may have asked it already. Oh sod it i'll ask again.... Who wouild play you in a movie about your life, and who would direct it?
Obviously i'd like to say that Mr Depp is already lined up to play me and Paul Verhoven is providing the graphic ultra-violence, aliens, slime and busty vixens.... soundtrack by Atreyu, NIN and Hanoi Rocks.
God! that'd be an awesome movie!
Obviously i'd like to say that Mr Depp is already lined up to play me and Paul Verhoven is providing the graphic ultra-violence, aliens, slime and busty vixens.... soundtrack by Atreyu, NIN and Hanoi Rocks.
God! that'd be an awesome movie!

i'm fine ish i guess. what about you? how was the flat hunt and stuff?