Good Vibrations played by three hot chicks, a bald drummer and a mentalist with a grin painted across his chin...... now thats my idea of a rock show!
Ladies and Gentlemen i give you Anti-Product! Sheer bloody Genius!!
So saturday rocked! people came...... they lept, they danced, they punched each other, they smiled and they sang!
And us? er well we did much the same, maybe less punching, more posing!
I'm so happy! i'd been really worried, because the venue had been absolutely screamingly inept at advertising the show, normally they're great but fuckin hell! you'd think it'd kill em to support a local band!
Anyway.. people came. Enough of them that the video bits should look wicked.
Played.... felt so good! our first for over a month and it felt fantastic! though by about two songs from the end i couldn't feel my arm, was like hitting the bass with a lump of wood!
Got drunk, talked absolute toss about power rangers, samurai jack and third world debt for hours
Three hours sleep...
emergency mcdonalds (fuck it just one won't hurt!)
And then........
The video shoot with the Gorgeous
Tilly,Perdy and Caz!
Wow! How lucky are we?!
I'll just take this moment to formally on behalf of band, cast and crew to say Thank you so so so so so much!
You were all abso-fuckin-lutely fabulous!
Thank you also to everyone who was so amazingly kind to give up a sunday night and get told to kneel down with a girl on their back and lick somebody else's shoe (whilst kneeling on broken glass) over and over! the glass was accidental! And other variations on such themes.
If there are any of you out there in Sg land?
Anyway.... I'm talkin absolute shite now so i'll say farewell,
I'm happy, today my world rocks!
Who'd like to see the vid when it's done?
can't type fingers falling offbblllleeeuuurghh [ falls on floor into blissfull rock and SG induced slumber!]
Ladies and Gentlemen i give you Anti-Product! Sheer bloody Genius!!
So saturday rocked! people came...... they lept, they danced, they punched each other, they smiled and they sang!
And us? er well we did much the same, maybe less punching, more posing!
I'm so happy! i'd been really worried, because the venue had been absolutely screamingly inept at advertising the show, normally they're great but fuckin hell! you'd think it'd kill em to support a local band!
Anyway.. people came. Enough of them that the video bits should look wicked.
Played.... felt so good! our first for over a month and it felt fantastic! though by about two songs from the end i couldn't feel my arm, was like hitting the bass with a lump of wood!
Got drunk, talked absolute toss about power rangers, samurai jack and third world debt for hours
Three hours sleep...
emergency mcdonalds (fuck it just one won't hurt!)
And then........
The video shoot with the Gorgeous
Tilly,Perdy and Caz!
Wow! How lucky are we?!
I'll just take this moment to formally on behalf of band, cast and crew to say Thank you so so so so so much!
You were all abso-fuckin-lutely fabulous!
Thank you also to everyone who was so amazingly kind to give up a sunday night and get told to kneel down with a girl on their back and lick somebody else's shoe (whilst kneeling on broken glass) over and over! the glass was accidental! And other variations on such themes.
If there are any of you out there in Sg land?
Anyway.... I'm talkin absolute shite now so i'll say farewell,
I'm happy, today my world rocks!
Who'd like to see the vid when it's done?
can't type fingers falling offbblllleeeuuurghh [ falls on floor into blissfull rock and SG induced slumber!]

It was my pleasure lovely
and you owe me some dude milk