Hunter S. Thompson. R.I.P.
I wish i could write more about him, but to be honest for a man whom i call an idol, i know surprisngly little, well maybe not surprising cos i am a lazy bastard.
So... one of the sharpest and strangest minds the world has known slips into the dark, and i'm left thinking........why is this only mentioned once on the news?
how many kids will say who? and look him up?
how many kids (and adults) will just say who?
And i silently add another to the list, there are and have only ever been a very few people i would flatter with the title hero...
in no particular order.......
Ayrton Senna,
Richey Edwards,
yeah, beyond that i'm struggling. Spot a pattern?
What does this mean? Does it say something about me? am i weird? am i doomed? am i destined to overanalyse everything?
Genius, madness, glamour....... like a candle flame to a moth.
Does an exceptional talent come with an equal curse? Are genius and madness just the flipside of the same coin?
Maybe, maybe these people(ayrton excluded!) were tainted by what they saw, maybe they saw too clearly, maybe they saw things because of the way they felt.
"i'm all alone with my delusions"
Just heard that on the radio, apt?
Err..... flow interupted.............ahh yeah
At least they got to say what they wanted (mostly) and least we got to read, watch and hear them.
I think of the hordes of young writers, musicians, racers, whatever inspired by these people, clawing their way hungrily towards the light and i feel..........reasured.
So, St Hunter....... i raise this joint you sir, See you at the bar.
Hunter S. Thompson. R.I.P.
I wish i could write more about him, but to be honest for a man whom i call an idol, i know surprisngly little, well maybe not surprising cos i am a lazy bastard.
So... one of the sharpest and strangest minds the world has known slips into the dark, and i'm left thinking........why is this only mentioned once on the news?
how many kids will say who? and look him up?
how many kids (and adults) will just say who?
And i silently add another to the list, there are and have only ever been a very few people i would flatter with the title hero...
in no particular order.......
Ayrton Senna,
Richey Edwards,
yeah, beyond that i'm struggling. Spot a pattern?
What does this mean? Does it say something about me? am i weird? am i doomed? am i destined to overanalyse everything?
Genius, madness, glamour....... like a candle flame to a moth.
Does an exceptional talent come with an equal curse? Are genius and madness just the flipside of the same coin?
Maybe, maybe these people(ayrton excluded!) were tainted by what they saw, maybe they saw too clearly, maybe they saw things because of the way they felt.
"i'm all alone with my delusions"
Just heard that on the radio, apt?
Err..... flow interupted.............ahh yeah
At least they got to say what they wanted (mostly) and least we got to read, watch and hear them.
I think of the hordes of young writers, musicians, racers, whatever inspired by these people, clawing their way hungrily towards the light and i feel..........reasured.
So, St Hunter....... i raise this joint you sir, See you at the bar.
i'm shooting at a gig on friday night now so if its saturday do you know what time i have to be there by....?