Well, My time has come. My membership expires fairly soon and as i'm really not spending anytime on here anymore I shall be weaving my way into the SG sunset. I've had some great times with people I've met on here and hope to see many of you again soon. Contact me on email jakedoherty99@hotmail.com or through the dreaded myspace hole.
So mainly I'm leaving cos I don't use it much but also there is a slight hint of the political behind my motivation. I'm sure you all know of the attempts made by SG to monopolise the 'alt.porn.community.etc.etc' and its court cases against sites such as perverse fixtation and godsgirls, as well as its persecuction of lithiumpicnic and the ridiculous terms models must agree to. To be honest all this leaves a nasty taste in my mouth and although I am but a lowly member it's not something I want to be involved with, It stands contrary to what I believed this site was all about.
Also I'm interested to see if I get kicked off for this! ;-)
So farewell, Thanks for everything, see you round!

So mainly I'm leaving cos I don't use it much but also there is a slight hint of the political behind my motivation. I'm sure you all know of the attempts made by SG to monopolise the 'alt.porn.community.etc.etc' and its court cases against sites such as perverse fixtation and godsgirls, as well as its persecuction of lithiumpicnic and the ridiculous terms models must agree to. To be honest all this leaves a nasty taste in my mouth and although I am but a lowly member it's not something I want to be involved with, It stands contrary to what I believed this site was all about.
Also I'm interested to see if I get kicked off for this! ;-)
So farewell, Thanks for everything, see you round!

P.S. Is that photo of Gloucester.