You'll have to forgive me if i start ending every sentence with "innit" I'm sure i shall have developed and east london accent in no time! So i've moved at last, friday and saturday last week were rubbish! spending two of the hottest days of the year carrying heavy things up and down stairs and driving miles backwards and forwards down the same stretch of road was great fun! I must have sweated off about a stone and ended up with one sunburnt arm. I also almost paralysed myself lugging my cases to the bus stop, but you know, it's a small price to pay, I'm here now and i'm so happy!
I can't wait for next saturday, we've got tickets to Torture Garden!
I haven't been for ages, it's gonna be fantastic, though i have no idea what to wear
I really must get the sunday off work as intend to be in no state to do anything (much) afterwards
I was trying to explain TG to a dutch person the other day and she was really struggling with it, it appears everyone thinks its just some glorified swingers club packed with deviants, which of course is only half true! Mind you, she was reading a flyer for another night which wanted people to come dressed as 'fetish ninjas' or 'kickboxing sluts'!! Fuck yeah! put me down as a fetish ninja, though the contents of the utility belt would probably boggle the mind!
I hope you've noted the absence of any new SG layout slagging from this corner, but it's put me off commenting and updating loads recently, it just gets on my tits, apologies, but blame a combination of all the buttons being in the wrong place and having the computer skills of a giraffe (everytime i lean over a keyboard the blood pressure in my neck builds up and my head blows clean off!)
Oh i played my farewell gig with Murdoc last friday. It was exactly as it should be... sheer drunken chaos, a drummer on drugs, gutter level between songs banter, posing, a mid set surfing display, equipment breakages, and it all wrapped up with me sat on the kick drum playing Jen's giutar with Dean sat on my lap while we murdered a song we haven't played for years! All this of course after my mother and sister turned up only to find me in the garden with a huge wet JD stain on my crotch and Dean setting my jeans on fire, oh and being berated by an arseholed midget lady with a walking stick for being rubbish! Murdoc...high quality professional entertainers!! I'll miss em!
I can't wait for next saturday, we've got tickets to Torture Garden!

I was trying to explain TG to a dutch person the other day and she was really struggling with it, it appears everyone thinks its just some glorified swingers club packed with deviants, which of course is only half true! Mind you, she was reading a flyer for another night which wanted people to come dressed as 'fetish ninjas' or 'kickboxing sluts'!! Fuck yeah! put me down as a fetish ninja, though the contents of the utility belt would probably boggle the mind!

I hope you've noted the absence of any new SG layout slagging from this corner, but it's put me off commenting and updating loads recently, it just gets on my tits, apologies, but blame a combination of all the buttons being in the wrong place and having the computer skills of a giraffe (everytime i lean over a keyboard the blood pressure in my neck builds up and my head blows clean off!)
Oh i played my farewell gig with Murdoc last friday. It was exactly as it should be... sheer drunken chaos, a drummer on drugs, gutter level between songs banter, posing, a mid set surfing display, equipment breakages, and it all wrapped up with me sat on the kick drum playing Jen's giutar with Dean sat on my lap while we murdered a song we haven't played for years! All this of course after my mother and sister turned up only to find me in the garden with a huge wet JD stain on my crotch and Dean setting my jeans on fire, oh and being berated by an arseholed midget lady with a walking stick for being rubbish! Murdoc...high quality professional entertainers!! I'll miss em!
Torture Garden *jealous* ... stop getting awesome tickets dammit!