Ah the occasional simple joys of my job! There can't be many places where you can do this....

Anyway, Isn't Bristol full of freaks? I did end up working there at the weekend, though my car almost blew up twice on the way there. I spent most of the time watching strange hunch-backed people with clawed hands desperately clutching cans of White Lightning staggering back and forth in front of the shop tripping over mutated pigeons!
So on to more important things... The Metal Hammer Golden Gods!! Yeah baby, we were there, Bullet rocked, JD's were drunk, we saw Nick Oliveri, Coheed, Dragonforce, Lacuna Coil, Trivium and Will Smiths missus
Who apparently has a band now! About halfway through the night we looked like this...

Before staggering our way back via a pub and a horrendous chip shop! I wish i'd taken more photo's but then again this is a rather photo heavy entry!
Did anyone else notice the exceptionally heavy rain on tuesday?? I only mention it because in the the time it took me to get from the bus to the shops ( a distance of about 20ft) i thought i was going to drown! Then i found the mall under water, i had to paddle my way through, i'm so glad i bought a canoe! By the time i got to Oxford circus however, there was no sign of rain, so there i am, a lone bedraggled figure quietly squelching my way through the streets, leaving a soggy little trail and garnering very strange looks!
Oh here's a bit of a flashback for ya... Anyone in the Gloucester area on Friday 30th, It's my farewell show with Murdoc at the Pig inn the City's Zombie-fest!! Christ knows what that will involve, hopefully some corpse make up and rock n roll. I just thought i'd let ya know!!

Anyway, Isn't Bristol full of freaks? I did end up working there at the weekend, though my car almost blew up twice on the way there. I spent most of the time watching strange hunch-backed people with clawed hands desperately clutching cans of White Lightning staggering back and forth in front of the shop tripping over mutated pigeons!
So on to more important things... The Metal Hammer Golden Gods!! Yeah baby, we were there, Bullet rocked, JD's were drunk, we saw Nick Oliveri, Coheed, Dragonforce, Lacuna Coil, Trivium and Will Smiths missus

Before staggering our way back via a pub and a horrendous chip shop! I wish i'd taken more photo's but then again this is a rather photo heavy entry!
Did anyone else notice the exceptionally heavy rain on tuesday?? I only mention it because in the the time it took me to get from the bus to the shops ( a distance of about 20ft) i thought i was going to drown! Then i found the mall under water, i had to paddle my way through, i'm so glad i bought a canoe! By the time i got to Oxford circus however, there was no sign of rain, so there i am, a lone bedraggled figure quietly squelching my way through the streets, leaving a soggy little trail and garnering very strange looks!
Oh here's a bit of a flashback for ya... Anyone in the Gloucester area on Friday 30th, It's my farewell show with Murdoc at the Pig inn the City's Zombie-fest!! Christ knows what that will involve, hopefully some corpse make up and rock n roll. I just thought i'd let ya know!!

I don't think I've ever seen you without a hat on before. And my - what a poser you are!

err, no idea