Just to set all your minds at rest, the football lasted a grand total of 10mins before we adjourned to the pub!
Proceeded to lose count of the JD's and Jager-bombs and danced like crazy people with Nadine, whilst annoying the shit out of the dj!
It's been a boozy week all round really, wednesday was random and hugely messy and ended with the police being called (don't ask, i'm ashamed of our behaviour!)
Last night was back at 2Pigs, forgeting that friday and saturday nights are the domain of the soul-less fucking undead! No not goth night, just appallingly bad music, badly dressed ugly people, who can't dance! It was bad. Songs i remember....firestarter followed by the chemical bros, followed by basement jaxx, <hides behind hands>....they played erasure for gods sake. But they also played Rage and The Pixies which was great til my flatmate kicked me in the balls.
I've just sat down from cleaning and sorting things for next week, which is going to be great. 4 days off after 11 straight, i'm shattered. Actually i'm too tired to write anything interesting now, i need my book and bed.

It's been a boozy week all round really, wednesday was random and hugely messy and ended with the police being called (don't ask, i'm ashamed of our behaviour!)
Last night was back at 2Pigs, forgeting that friday and saturday nights are the domain of the soul-less fucking undead! No not goth night, just appallingly bad music, badly dressed ugly people, who can't dance! It was bad. Songs i remember....firestarter followed by the chemical bros, followed by basement jaxx, <hides behind hands>....they played erasure for gods sake. But they also played Rage and The Pixies which was great til my flatmate kicked me in the balls.
I've just sat down from cleaning and sorting things for next week, which is going to be great. 4 days off after 11 straight, i'm shattered. Actually i'm too tired to write anything interesting now, i need my book and bed.

I think the dolls are cute... the boy hates them
Erasure? Now there's nothing wrong with a bit of Erasure. Yes, I am supreme geek but I don't care. I will boogie my little (ha ha ha!!) behind to Erasure on any day on any amount of alcohol.