Ok thats the last one, for today at least!
Wire-less and fancy free baby!
This update is brought to you courtesy of my now fully functional wireless laptop!! I'm so excited i almost pee'd! It's been a difficult few days, my laptop and i, we've struggled to understand one another, there have been fallings out, a few rash words, beligerence, stubborness and finally beautiful harmony! So now at last i'm free to update and waffle to my hearts content... Hurrah!
My week was sheer heaven, i won't nausiate you with the details
But photo's may follow!
I had the er interesting experience of telling the band that i was leaving last friday. It was something i knew i was gonna have to do for a while, this past few months have just seen us grow apart in so many ways, i don't fault their commitment, it's just by their own admission they other things going on in their lives, which is cool. I just don't think any band has even the slightest chance of making it, if it isn't your entire life. I'm looking forward to playing with other people in London, and i don't think i can cope without being in a band, it just won't be the be all and end all, just a more fun thing, playing for the love of it, not worrying about who should be sending what demo's to who.
So they took it pretty well, just a lot quiter than expected, and i think they'll be looking at getting a new bass player, which i think they should, someone who'll be happy to work at their speed. Of course knowing my luck the bastards will get signed the week after i leave!
Onwards and ever upwards, next step is finding out whether there's a job for me in our London store, if not i think i'm gonna plunder my wine experiance and see if something along those lines comes up. Then it's moving and flat hunting and oh it's gonna be so good! I can't wait!
I'm gonna end now, but rest assured, updates will more frequent, and probably more interesting!
Ok thats the last one, for today at least!
Wire-less and fancy free baby!
This update is brought to you courtesy of my now fully functional wireless laptop!! I'm so excited i almost pee'd! It's been a difficult few days, my laptop and i, we've struggled to understand one another, there have been fallings out, a few rash words, beligerence, stubborness and finally beautiful harmony! So now at last i'm free to update and waffle to my hearts content... Hurrah!
My week was sheer heaven, i won't nausiate you with the details

I had the er interesting experience of telling the band that i was leaving last friday. It was something i knew i was gonna have to do for a while, this past few months have just seen us grow apart in so many ways, i don't fault their commitment, it's just by their own admission they other things going on in their lives, which is cool. I just don't think any band has even the slightest chance of making it, if it isn't your entire life. I'm looking forward to playing with other people in London, and i don't think i can cope without being in a band, it just won't be the be all and end all, just a more fun thing, playing for the love of it, not worrying about who should be sending what demo's to who.
So they took it pretty well, just a lot quiter than expected, and i think they'll be looking at getting a new bass player, which i think they should, someone who'll be happy to work at their speed. Of course knowing my luck the bastards will get signed the week after i leave!
Onwards and ever upwards, next step is finding out whether there's a job for me in our London store, if not i think i'm gonna plunder my wine experiance and see if something along those lines comes up. Then it's moving and flat hunting and oh it's gonna be so good! I can't wait!
I'm gonna end now, but rest assured, updates will more frequent, and probably more interesting!

U coming Sat night with the gal? It seems i can't type straight. Anyway, i'm looking forward to meeting you guys (if I makes it) 50/50 at this stage *chops fingers off*
[Edited on Apr 28, 2006 7:18PM]
[Edited on Apr 28, 2006 7:19PM]