Bored bored bored bored!
For the love of god please suggest something to entertain me til friday.
Right, sorry thats crap.
Must make more of an effort.
The show was great at the weekend, shocking i know, given that it pretty much went as i predicted, but when we're on form we really do have a good time. And Crackers turned out to have improved since i was last there, some of the songs they play are now from this century, and only half the clientele are from the 18th.
We sat up setting the world to rights til about 9 (thankfully i no longer had to work on sunday, i think i may actually have had bite a customer if i had!)
and then lay around all day til i felt normal enough to drive.
However lack of sleep and a sudden attack of job phobia/guilt/boredom means i'm a bit grumpy and out of sorts so far this week. however... i'm off for a meal with work employers tommorrow and thursday night is written off as in depth house purging as we have an inspection on friday and a guest too
So as long as i can keep my temper at work and occupy my restless hands at home until then, all will be good.
i actually feel better, thank you for your patience!
For the love of god please suggest something to entertain me til friday.
Right, sorry thats crap.
Must make more of an effort.
The show was great at the weekend, shocking i know, given that it pretty much went as i predicted, but when we're on form we really do have a good time. And Crackers turned out to have improved since i was last there, some of the songs they play are now from this century, and only half the clientele are from the 18th.
We sat up setting the world to rights til about 9 (thankfully i no longer had to work on sunday, i think i may actually have had bite a customer if i had!)
and then lay around all day til i felt normal enough to drive.
However lack of sleep and a sudden attack of job phobia/guilt/boredom means i'm a bit grumpy and out of sorts so far this week. however... i'm off for a meal with work employers tommorrow and thursday night is written off as in depth house purging as we have an inspection on friday and a guest too

So as long as i can keep my temper at work and occupy my restless hands at home until then, all will be good.
i actually feel better, thank you for your patience!

Funny shit!!