Do you ever wonder what you'd say (given some bizarre time-slipage event) if you ever met yourself from 10 years ago?
I appreciate that this is an unlikely occurence but nonetheless it has been playing on my mind.
You see the 18yo me is probably so far removed from myself now that i wouldn't even recognise me. Back then i was so horrendously self-absorbed and locked into this spiral of depression and isolation, boredom and self destruction that i took so little pleasure in anything. My days were spent avoiding uni, reading every book i could my hands on, which led to some interesting combinations, i do not reccomend the Dean Koontz/Dostoevsky(i don't care if it's not spelt right
) combo, it leads to very peculiar dreams! Drinking a bottle of vodka a night and not eating.
I think my only friends were Mark and Lard when their show was on in the evening. Needless to say by the time i left uni i weighed less then 8st and found it very difficult to interact with people!
I guess the only thing i would want to say to that kid would be
"Stick it out, if you can't do anymore now, don't worry about it. But persevere and you will do amazing things." And thats just me... if i think of the things i have done, my achievements, they stagger me and i don't mean i've done much out of the ordinary but if that kid could be made to see what he will do one day.... well there'd be no stopping him!
So what would you say to yourself?
This weekend was pants compared to the last, with only a single phone conversation to cheer me up! And i was infected with an unusual combination of ebola, sars, bird flu and the plague, fortunately it seems to have passed.
Well i have the flat to myself for the evening thank god! i was on the verge of disembowelling my flatmate for just constantly needing attention! honestly, he's like a 3 year old, left to his own devices he'll just sit and be bored unless he's drunk, and as he's given up booze for a month it's been hell! He has now decided to replace booze with vast quantities of weed and cake, which means he's eternally in my room filling it with sweet wrappers and sprinkling the carpet with tobbacco!
Still, i can't be too mad at him..... he met a lady! yes a real live one, with a brain and everything! I'm so happy for him, i actually punched the air when i found out. If you knew him you'd know why but as you don't i can't be bothered to tell you and you'll have to guess!
He he! oh yeah, Greenpeace sent me my first load of stuff (your mission, should you choose to accept it...) and it's perfect. Trawl back through your dim and dusty memories and you may remember a couple of rants on here about the evils of 4x4's. So what comes through the post but a bunch of fake Land Rover recall notices to stick on windscreens!
And there's a school just down the road! God it really does make me happy, smalll scale eco-sabotage here we come!
K, running out of ideas now and facing the gnawing realisation that the washing up still hasn't learnt to do itself (no matter how how hard i beat it).
One more thing, do you think a couple of you lovely people would be able to vouch for me on SGUK, i got cleared out in the last cull!
I appreciate that this is an unlikely occurence but nonetheless it has been playing on my mind.
You see the 18yo me is probably so far removed from myself now that i wouldn't even recognise me. Back then i was so horrendously self-absorbed and locked into this spiral of depression and isolation, boredom and self destruction that i took so little pleasure in anything. My days were spent avoiding uni, reading every book i could my hands on, which led to some interesting combinations, i do not reccomend the Dean Koontz/Dostoevsky(i don't care if it's not spelt right

I think my only friends were Mark and Lard when their show was on in the evening. Needless to say by the time i left uni i weighed less then 8st and found it very difficult to interact with people!
I guess the only thing i would want to say to that kid would be
"Stick it out, if you can't do anymore now, don't worry about it. But persevere and you will do amazing things." And thats just me... if i think of the things i have done, my achievements, they stagger me and i don't mean i've done much out of the ordinary but if that kid could be made to see what he will do one day.... well there'd be no stopping him!
So what would you say to yourself?
This weekend was pants compared to the last, with only a single phone conversation to cheer me up! And i was infected with an unusual combination of ebola, sars, bird flu and the plague, fortunately it seems to have passed.
Well i have the flat to myself for the evening thank god! i was on the verge of disembowelling my flatmate for just constantly needing attention! honestly, he's like a 3 year old, left to his own devices he'll just sit and be bored unless he's drunk, and as he's given up booze for a month it's been hell! He has now decided to replace booze with vast quantities of weed and cake, which means he's eternally in my room filling it with sweet wrappers and sprinkling the carpet with tobbacco!

Still, i can't be too mad at him..... he met a lady! yes a real live one, with a brain and everything! I'm so happy for him, i actually punched the air when i found out. If you knew him you'd know why but as you don't i can't be bothered to tell you and you'll have to guess!
He he! oh yeah, Greenpeace sent me my first load of stuff (your mission, should you choose to accept it...) and it's perfect. Trawl back through your dim and dusty memories and you may remember a couple of rants on here about the evils of 4x4's. So what comes through the post but a bunch of fake Land Rover recall notices to stick on windscreens!

And there's a school just down the road! God it really does make me happy, smalll scale eco-sabotage here we come!
K, running out of ideas now and facing the gnawing realisation that the washing up still hasn't learnt to do itself (no matter how how hard i beat it).
One more thing, do you think a couple of you lovely people would be able to vouch for me on SGUK, i got cleared out in the last cull!


can i be catwoman instead please?