Oh christ! Right then, here goes:
1. As *nsync would say, God must have spent a little more time on you. What, exactly, did God spend more time on?
My finely chiseled features! or my eyebrows apparently!
2. If you had to start your own war against something, what would it be and why? Also, what would the protestors do in protest, to show they think your war is evil?
So many causes, so little space!
People who drive at a constant 42mph regardless of conditions, speed limits or common fucking sense!
Simon Cowell, the man i'm holding accountable for finally sucking the life out of the stagnant, twitching, corpse of the british music industry!
ITV, for encouraging the above behavior!
People who "need" a 4x4!
Oil companies.
Hippies! shock choice, you could substitute 'Trisha' if you prefer, actually, no you're right i'm going with Trisha... i've got a great idea how to make the world a better place, all i need is the audience from Trisha and a flame-thrower!
Thanks is of course due to Nadine for attempted to smother one of them with her breasts!
What was the question?
3. In the movie of your life, who would play you and who would play your lover?
Well Johnny Depp would, of course. As an kind of amalgamation of his roles as Hunter S Thompson (hair do, and inebriated side-kick!) and Captain Jack Sparrow (rum consumption, eyeliner and falling over)
As i'm single we'll say Benicio Del Torro as the aforementioned side-kick/flatmate.
4. What flavor of diet coke do you want next?
5. Insert picture of what you think is the best.hair.ever.
No, don't take the piss!
6. If girls had penises and boys had vaginas, who would you date/fuck?
7. Have you ever farted in public? if so, what were the circumstances?
In general? or today?
I seem to develop chronic arse belches every time i go for a run! so i leave a little polluted trail around Cheltenham, which is nice!
8. Tell one crazy I cant believe how drunk I was story.
Myself and the afore(afore)mentioned flatmate/best mate used to spend weekends in bristol shut in his flat with only ridiculous amounts of booze, drugs and copies of Bizarre for entertainment. I remember one where we mixed a bottle of vodka and a bunch of red bull in 2l bottle and took turns swigging til it was gone, needless to say, the rest is blurry, we drank, we smoked, we couldn't make it out of the room to use the toilet, so we established a bucket in the corner, jesus i really can't believe this! I awoke promptly needed to chuck, grabbbed the first thing.... yuk!
9. Ideal Christmas stocking?
Black, seamed, accessorised with very high heels.
10. Who is Britney Spears soul mate?
She has a soul?
11. What is the one book you think everyone should read?
'The five gates of hell' by Rupert Thompson
12. At your heaviest, how much did you weigh? Liar.
Forgotten. lost in the mists of pre-strarving self haze!
13. Ever puked and run?
Not at the same time.
14. Tell one too tired to finish masturbating story.
Isn't that a bit like the ultimate rejecton? when your hand falls asleep!
15. Write down three true facts, and one lie. Don't tell us which one is the lie.
I have a qualification in wine.
I was a forcep baby.
I met Angelina Jolie.
I have oddly long eyebrow hair.
16. Insert your favorite cute/cuddly picture
Can't, spaz!
17. If you cooked a dinner for someone you were head over heels in love with, what would you cook?
Chilli, but probably not on a first date.
18. If you had to write something on your forehead and walk around with it all day, what would it be?
Go away.
19. What is your favorite piece of art, and would you please post a picture of it below?
Not learning are ya?
Well of course i could insert pics if i want, i'm in a rush though!
20. Would you have sex with Xena, Warrior Princess? What would it be like? Also, if you said no, are you crazy? What are your reasons for declining?
Kinda always prefered her blonde 'friend'
21. Whats your favorite animal? Show us.
22. If you were a color, what color would you be? Why?
Black. Because i'm dark and mysterious, obviously.
23. What turns you on? If it invovles a ball gag, please describe.
Read the bit that says 'what gets you hot' just over there <-
24. On a scale of 1 to 10, how dumb is it to decline the above question by answering 'that's too personal' ?
17 trillion
25. Why are ball gags sexy?
Doesn't everyone want balls in their mouth?
26. Do you have any personal opinions on ice trays?
I prefer bags, but am slightly guilt-ridden at the concept of buying ice.
27. What's the most painful thing you've ever had done to you/done to another person during sex?
I split my foreskin once!
You don't really want any more info than that do you?
28. If you had to be stranded for the rest of your life on a desert island and pick one person to go with you, would you pick someone you could really talk to or someone who gave you the best sex of your life? If you say both, youre a fucking whore.
I'd rather someone i could eat, if things got desperate.
29. What is the biggest insult someone could tell you?
That i'm close-minded
30. If you were/are a big dyke, would you wear the strap on or would your partner?
I would, mostly!
There you go boys and girls, i've decided to be honest, possibly more than i should but as i say i was rushed my (other) flatmate is growling and pm-ting at me!
I apologise if you guys have been tagged before but i can't be arsed to check!
He he!
1. As *nsync would say, God must have spent a little more time on you. What, exactly, did God spend more time on?
My finely chiseled features! or my eyebrows apparently!
2. If you had to start your own war against something, what would it be and why? Also, what would the protestors do in protest, to show they think your war is evil?
So many causes, so little space!
People who drive at a constant 42mph regardless of conditions, speed limits or common fucking sense!
Simon Cowell, the man i'm holding accountable for finally sucking the life out of the stagnant, twitching, corpse of the british music industry!
ITV, for encouraging the above behavior!
People who "need" a 4x4!
Oil companies.
Hippies! shock choice, you could substitute 'Trisha' if you prefer, actually, no you're right i'm going with Trisha... i've got a great idea how to make the world a better place, all i need is the audience from Trisha and a flame-thrower!
Thanks is of course due to Nadine for attempted to smother one of them with her breasts!
What was the question?
3. In the movie of your life, who would play you and who would play your lover?
Well Johnny Depp would, of course. As an kind of amalgamation of his roles as Hunter S Thompson (hair do, and inebriated side-kick!) and Captain Jack Sparrow (rum consumption, eyeliner and falling over)
As i'm single we'll say Benicio Del Torro as the aforementioned side-kick/flatmate.
4. What flavor of diet coke do you want next?
5. Insert picture of what you think is the best.hair.ever.
No, don't take the piss!
6. If girls had penises and boys had vaginas, who would you date/fuck?
7. Have you ever farted in public? if so, what were the circumstances?
In general? or today?
I seem to develop chronic arse belches every time i go for a run! so i leave a little polluted trail around Cheltenham, which is nice!
8. Tell one crazy I cant believe how drunk I was story.
Myself and the afore(afore)mentioned flatmate/best mate used to spend weekends in bristol shut in his flat with only ridiculous amounts of booze, drugs and copies of Bizarre for entertainment. I remember one where we mixed a bottle of vodka and a bunch of red bull in 2l bottle and took turns swigging til it was gone, needless to say, the rest is blurry, we drank, we smoked, we couldn't make it out of the room to use the toilet, so we established a bucket in the corner, jesus i really can't believe this! I awoke promptly needed to chuck, grabbbed the first thing.... yuk!
9. Ideal Christmas stocking?
Black, seamed, accessorised with very high heels.
10. Who is Britney Spears soul mate?
She has a soul?
11. What is the one book you think everyone should read?
'The five gates of hell' by Rupert Thompson
12. At your heaviest, how much did you weigh? Liar.
Forgotten. lost in the mists of pre-strarving self haze!
13. Ever puked and run?
Not at the same time.
14. Tell one too tired to finish masturbating story.
Isn't that a bit like the ultimate rejecton? when your hand falls asleep!
15. Write down three true facts, and one lie. Don't tell us which one is the lie.
I have a qualification in wine.
I was a forcep baby.
I met Angelina Jolie.
I have oddly long eyebrow hair.
16. Insert your favorite cute/cuddly picture
Can't, spaz!
17. If you cooked a dinner for someone you were head over heels in love with, what would you cook?
Chilli, but probably not on a first date.
18. If you had to write something on your forehead and walk around with it all day, what would it be?
Go away.
19. What is your favorite piece of art, and would you please post a picture of it below?
Not learning are ya?
Well of course i could insert pics if i want, i'm in a rush though!
20. Would you have sex with Xena, Warrior Princess? What would it be like? Also, if you said no, are you crazy? What are your reasons for declining?
Kinda always prefered her blonde 'friend'
21. Whats your favorite animal? Show us.
22. If you were a color, what color would you be? Why?
Black. Because i'm dark and mysterious, obviously.
23. What turns you on? If it invovles a ball gag, please describe.
Read the bit that says 'what gets you hot' just over there <-
24. On a scale of 1 to 10, how dumb is it to decline the above question by answering 'that's too personal' ?
17 trillion
25. Why are ball gags sexy?
Doesn't everyone want balls in their mouth?
26. Do you have any personal opinions on ice trays?
I prefer bags, but am slightly guilt-ridden at the concept of buying ice.
27. What's the most painful thing you've ever had done to you/done to another person during sex?
I split my foreskin once!
You don't really want any more info than that do you?
28. If you had to be stranded for the rest of your life on a desert island and pick one person to go with you, would you pick someone you could really talk to or someone who gave you the best sex of your life? If you say both, youre a fucking whore.
I'd rather someone i could eat, if things got desperate.
29. What is the biggest insult someone could tell you?
That i'm close-minded
30. If you were/are a big dyke, would you wear the strap on or would your partner?
I would, mostly!
There you go boys and girls, i've decided to be honest, possibly more than i should but as i say i was rushed my (other) flatmate is growling and pm-ting at me!
I apologise if you guys have been tagged before but i can't be arsed to check!
He he!

[Edited on Jan 13, 2006 10:00AM]