Woo Hoo! 3 days off! how happy have i been!
I hope your new years were as you wished them to be, mine was pretty good actually, the best for a while, i think, i cant remember any others!
Word of advice from me to you, don't drink an entire bottle of Morgans Spiced in an hour and a half! So i had a cracking early part of the evening. Highlights included sticking my own sword INTO my ear, having my ninja outfit described as everything from the pirate wing of the IRA, to gimp-boy, to Freddie Mercury! Sword fighting, well sword vs light saber fighting with Darth Vader, almost chopping Father Jacks toes off before being dragged off in the interests of public safety!
Speaking of Father Jack, he did marvelously well at staying in character to the point of falling over us while trying to get into bed, splitting his eyebrow open, pissing blood all over the place and vomitting his arse up, before snoring like an absolute goddamm bastard, meaning sleep was obviously not an option!
Right, i'm now gonna try an insert a pic here, there's probably about a 50/50 chance of this working, so bear with me.
Success! i'm not gonna tell you how long that took!
See, i'm quite obviously a real ninja!
Other new photo's in pics jobbie too, if you're bored enough.
I feel, it would be far to obvious to post about resolutions, ambitions and dreams today. Not to say i don't have any, cos i do, and they're good ones. But right now all i really wanna do is go and blow things up!
I may be back (indecisive schwarzenegger impression!)
I hope your new years were as you wished them to be, mine was pretty good actually, the best for a while, i think, i cant remember any others!
Word of advice from me to you, don't drink an entire bottle of Morgans Spiced in an hour and a half! So i had a cracking early part of the evening. Highlights included sticking my own sword INTO my ear, having my ninja outfit described as everything from the pirate wing of the IRA, to gimp-boy, to Freddie Mercury! Sword fighting, well sword vs light saber fighting with Darth Vader, almost chopping Father Jacks toes off before being dragged off in the interests of public safety!
Speaking of Father Jack, he did marvelously well at staying in character to the point of falling over us while trying to get into bed, splitting his eyebrow open, pissing blood all over the place and vomitting his arse up, before snoring like an absolute goddamm bastard, meaning sleep was obviously not an option!

Success! i'm not gonna tell you how long that took!

See, i'm quite obviously a real ninja!
Other new photo's in pics jobbie too, if you're bored enough.
I feel, it would be far to obvious to post about resolutions, ambitions and dreams today. Not to say i don't have any, cos i do, and they're good ones. But right now all i really wanna do is go and blow things up!
I may be back (indecisive schwarzenegger impression!)


You've been tagged!
Sorry, but I refuse to be the only one having to think of witty responses!

Yep, sorry! Brain required!
I always feel guilty sending them on but I just can't resist it.